[The Top Five] Legend of Zelda Clones

It’s a very exciting time to be a Zelda fan, as it always is when a new game in the series is slated for release. It’s been a long wait since the last console installment in the legendary franchise, as it’s been four long years since Twilight Princess hit shelves, but thankfully we’ve had multiple games in between to keep us from cracking. Two new handheld games in the form of Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks, and the entire backlog of Zelda games from the NES, SNES, and N64 have finally been released on the Virtual Console. Still, it’s not enough.

That’s why I’m making this list. We’ve got less than a year (hopefully) before Skyward Sword gets an official release and if you’re anything like me you’ve already burned through the Virtual Console offerings, and are ready for something fresh. Something new. Something different. These five clones should give you exactly that: a break from Hyrule so you don’t get burned out on saving the princess before it’s time to go back to work next year, while still offering very similar experiences so you don’t get rusty while waiting.


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