[Game Review] LostWinds: Winter of the Melodias (WiiWare)

System: Wii Exclusive (WiiWare)
Developer: Frontier Developments
Publisher: Frontier Developments
Genre: Adventure

The first LostWinds is widely considered one of, if not the absolute best games the WiiWare has to offer. Featuring gorgeous visuals, creative controls, and an absolutely fresh premise, no one could argue that LostWinds was anything short of spectacular (besides those douchebags at GameSpot, that is). The sequel, dubbed Winter of the Melodias, takes everything that made the first adventure such a smashing success and somehow manages to add to it. Continue reading

[Game Review] Deadly Creatures (Wii)

DeadlyCreaturesSystem: Wii Exclusive
Developer: Rainbow Studios
Publisher: THQ
Genre: Beat ’em up/Action-Adventure

I hate bugs. All bugs. In some cases it doesn’t even have to be a bug to freak me out, simply possessing bug-like qualities will do the trick. Strangely enough, this powerful phobia is exactly what attracted me to Deadly Creatures. This Wii-exclusive Action title from Rainbow Studios that puts you in control of either a Tarantula or a Scorpion and lets you explore the world from a pint-sized perspective.

What better way to conquer a fear than to embody the very thing that horrifies you?

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[Game Review] Dead Space Extraction (Wii)

System: Wii (Exclusive)
Developer: Visceral/Eurocom
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Genre: Rail Shooter

I never played the original Dead Space on 360/PS3. It’s not that had no interest in the game, because I definitely did. I drooled at tons of screenshots, lustfully watched plenty of gameplay footage, and read a good amount of reviews. Everything I saw or read about the game definitely tickled my fancy, but for some reason I just never bought or rented it.

So when Dead Space Extraction, the Wii-Exclusive prequel, was announced I had very little interest in the game. Once it was revealed that the title would serve as a spooky and atmospheric On Rails Shooter, my ears perked up and I began developing an interest while the majority of Wii gamers scoffed at the Light Gun Style gameplay, calling it inferior and assuming it would be boring.

Wrong. Continue reading

[Game Review] GT Pro Series (Wii)

boxart_wii_us_gt-pro-seriesSystem: Wii
Developer: MTO
Publisher: Ubisoft
Genre: Racing

Racing games are simple, fun, and give you immediate results. You don’t have to work through a number of complicated levels, with variables that you cannot control. You get a track, a vehicle, and opponents. Its about as straight forward as gaming gets. Nintendo’s Wii offers you the ability to control the action with an actual gaming wheel. So, automatically, you are given a unique gaming experience.

The only problem is that GT Pro Series otherwise plays like it could have been developed for Super Nintendo over a decade ago. The graphics are sub par, and it looks like a 32-bit system. The cars are chunky, bland, and non-descript. The race tracks are basic, and completely barren of any major graphic achievement. The graphics are the game’s major, and truly the only damning weakness. If you aren’t distracted by graphics that barely would’ve been revolutionary in 1993, then you won’t mind this game. Continue reading

[Game Review] Doom (Xbox Live Arcade)

Some people may know about the Doom franchise because of the dreadful 2005 movie that was based roughly on the game series. Others might be more familiar with Doom 3 for the original Xbox, which garnered critical acclaim for its impressive graphics and scary atmosphere. But if you’re like me, you love the original Doom from 1993. Doom has been on the Xbox Live Marketplace for quite a while now, since 2006, but with Halloween coming up I think it’s only appropriate to pay homage to one of the most downright brutal games of the 90’s. Continue reading

[Game Review] Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (Wii)


System: Nintendo Wii (Also On: Xbox 360, PS3, PS2, PSP, Nintendo DS)
Developer: Krome Studios/LucasArts
Publisher: LucasArts
Genre: Action

A while back, Patrick reviewed the Xbox 360 version of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed. Because of this, I’m not planning on going too in-depth with my analysis of the Wii game, but I will tell you everything you need to know. If you are more interested in the 360 rendition of the game, check out Pat’s review. Continue reading

[Game News] Need For Speed Nitro Wii Trailer

I just watched this over on IGN and had to share it with you guys. For those of you who don’t know, Need For Speed Nitro is a Nintendo-exclusive addition to the popular Need For Speed series. Nitro features an awesome art style, gorgeous visuals, funky music, and heavily arcade-inspired gameplay which are all showcased in this trailer.

[Game Review] Scribblenauts (Nintendo DS)


scribblenauts boxartSystem: Nintendo DS (Exclusive)
Developer: 5th Cell
Publisher: Warner Bros. Interactive
Genre: Puzzle / Sandbox

Scribblenauts is the newest title from 5th Cell, the same team behind the clever and creative DS game entitled Drawn to Life, a platformer in which you drew your own characters and lots of your own items.

Their newest title is one of the most innovative and creative game concepts ever devised, which is what helped the game earn the loads of hype and also earned the E3 “Best of Show” award, making it the first handheld title to ever be given the coveted title.

Now that it is finally on store shelves, does Scribblenauts manage to live up to the insane amount of hype it’s garnered? It’s review time. Continue reading