Tag Archives: video
Her First White Castle
I’m a huge fan of any internet video containing the words “Her First” followed by the phrase “Insert explicit and offsetting sexual activity here.” I also love White Castle. Pairing these two interests together, I decided it was time to make my own “Her First Time” video, only without the blood, moaning and depletion of pride generally associated with this genre of film making.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I present “Her First White Castle Slyder,” starring Zac Pritcher (me!) and Amanda Wallace.
Far Cry 2: Tip of the Iceberg
As Zac hinted, I have chosen my most anticipated game,Far Cry 2, for the topic of my first post. I wouldn’t quite consider this a preview, just an introduction into what the game has to offer. As I have been limited to only one video to show, I have chosen this one for how it shows many of the games features such as fire propogation, wind effects, and unscripted AI. Note some of the things that Clint Hawking, Creative Director of Far Cry 2, says while watching. Expect a Review in the near future, but not before October 21(and because of the depth of the game a while after that!).
CNN Bashes Cocaine
I was doing some random searches today and I came across a YouTube upload of CNN’s Betty Nguyen, better known as “that hott Asian lady on the news”, hosting an interview with James Kirby, the inventor of extremely controversial Cocaine energy drink. First off, he gets mad props for having the BAWLS (energy drink pun, sorry) to go on a network like CNN knowing his product is just going to get bashed to hell. Oh well, I guess all he wants is exposure for the drink. So far so good! But it really is somewhat interesting to watch him defend himself against her conservative attacks and generalizations and end up holding his own very well.
I thought the video was somewhat entertaining, so here’s an embed for you guys.