[Movie Review] 500 Days of Summer (Theatrical)


The romantic comedy genre is tough because audiences tend to have such preconceived notions pertaining to the endings of these films. The couple is supposed to get together and live happily ever after. It is in this way that these movies tend to fail. The problems are quickly solved, people are made to be the quickest forgivers in the world, and everything ends up neatly tied up with a bow on top.

Not in 500 Days of Summer.

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[Movie Review] Sin Nombre (DVD)

sin nombreOverview:

Sin Nombre (which Wikipedia tells us is Spanish for “without name”) tells the story of Willy (aka Casper, played by Edgar Flores), a teenage member of a ruthless Mexican gang. Quickly after he helps initiate a pre-teen named Smiley into his inner-circle, a personal secret Casper has been hiding is exposed, and he is abruptly betrayed by gang leader Lil’ Mago.

Shortly after, Mago, Casper and Smiley attempt to rob a train containing  migrants attempting to immigrate to America. Still stinging from the betrayal, Casper takes revenge on Mago and sends Smiley away while he stays behind on the train in hopes of escaping. While hiding out from his revenge-seeking gang members, he befriends a girl named Sayra (Paulina Gaitán) who is attempting to escape to America with her family.

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[Movie Review] Sugar (DVD)


sugarI’ve desperately been seeking out ways to become more popular with the Everyview public, and after struggling to find success on my own, I sought out the help of my good friend Zac Pritcher for advice. Seeing as how he frequently calls me, usually in the middle of the night, to remind me how he towers over me in readership by a count of 782-to-1, I thought he’d have some good advice.

Well after giving me about a 15 minute lecture about interrupting his study habits (he’s cramming very hard as next week he finally becomes old enough to earn that ever elusive driver’s permit) his advice was for me to “continue doing what I do best,” which I guess is reviewing movies and TV shows no one is familiar with.

Call me a skeptic if you must, but I have my doubts on this one, and am curious if there was perhaps some underlining smarminess I didn’t pick up on. But either way I have no other ideas, so here it is my review of the indie baseball drama Sugar which found its way onto DVD shelves this week. Continue reading

[Movie Review] Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (Theatrical)


transformers_2_wide_posterOverwrought with an indiscernible plot and outlandish action sequences, the sequel to the popular Transformers franchise is brutal in every sense of the word. I took a sheet of paper into the theater, to jot down things both “Good” and”Bad”. It ended up double sided “Bad.” Continue reading

[Movie Review] The Hangover (Theatrical)


the-hangover-posterI’d been excited about this movie since I saw the trailer, and I’ll start off by saying “IT DELIVERS”. It isn’t one of those comedies that shoots its wad in the trailer, wasting all the genuine laughs to con you into paying $8 to see it, and then providing nothing new or fresh, leaving you to exit the theater with the sensation that you’ve just been had. This movie is worth it for a variety of reasons. Continue reading

[Movie Review] Up (Theatrical)


Pixar just won’t stop. Every summer, it seems, they keep making movies that look like children’s movies but in the end turn out being something far more. Last summer they showed the world Wall-E, a seemingly cute and innocent movie about robots in love, but under the surface lied a tragic tale of our world being destroyed at the hands of global warming, heartbreak, betrayal, and perhaps the easiest to relate to, obesity. Continue reading