[Drink Review] Bossa Nova: Goji Berry with Tart Cherry

A while back I posted a review for my first ever Bossa Nova drink, and I was very impressed with it. So impressed in fact, that instead of drinking the rest of the samples Bossa Nova sent me, I instead stocked up on the Mangosteen flavor I reviewed, and have been drinking that until today, when I finally ran out.

Now I’m moving on to the next flavor, carefully chosen by blindly grabbing around inside of my mini fridge and taking out the first one I touched, Goji Berry with Tart Cherry. I was actually pretty disappointed with my selection, only because I was in a very Blueberry-y mood. Oh well, there’s nothing I could’ve done about it.

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[Drink Review] Dewmocracy 2010 Lineup


Earlier this week, I reviewed three new Mountain Dew flavors the company has released in its most recent “Dewmocracy” competition. I was hoping not to have to discuss these products any further (especially after the very public humiliation I encountered by having my grammatical inaccuracies  pointed out in a surprisingly sanctimonious string of posts from a young man who normally leaves us insightful and hilarious comments such as “SUP LADIES WANT DO SEX”), but Zac “Pritchy Boy” Pritcher had other ideas.

So here’s a recap… Continue reading