Retro-Review: Dragon View (SNES)

Dragon View

Dragon View, made by Kemco in 1994, is a single-player RPG that features the main character, Alex (the default name, you can rename him at the start), as a swordsman in a village. It starts off with Alex doing some sword thrusts. 100,000 to be exact. After finishing his sword exercises, a girl comes up to Alex and starts screaming about her Grandpa missing. Alex agrees to go find her grandpa, and the adventure begins…
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Upcoming Review: Dragon View for the SNES

Most people probably haven’t heard of this game and actually neither have I until a few days ago, but judging from a few people I’ve talked to it’s not that bad. I don’t plan to review only things that are good. But this should give you something to look forward to from me. I’ll also gladly take any requests for games on NES, SNES, Gameboy Color/Advance.