[Energy Drink News] Red Bull Cola Banned in Germany for Containing Cocaine

Everyone knows it’s true that Coca-Cola used to contain traces of cocaine as one of the primary ingredients. But that was way back in 1885, way before anyone knew just how powerful of a narcotic cocaine really was. Of course the Coke Company no longer allows anything short of 100% de-cocainized coca leaf extract, the plant from which the drug is derived, to be used as an ingredient in their immensely popular soft drink. Continue reading

Review: Cocaine Energy

Cocaine Hot and Spicy


Cocaine energy drink is one of the most sought after beverages in the industry due to the fact that next no store will carry and the only way to get it is through the drinks website. I’ve always wanted to taste the drink responsible for garnering so much flak from state and federal regulators, and mine is finally here. It’s review time!

Straight from the can:

Warning: This message is for the people who are too stupid to recognize the obvious. This product does not contain the drug Cocaine (duh). This product is not intended to be an alternative to an illicit street drug, and anyone who thinks otherwise is an idiot.

Awesome. Continue reading

Help Cocaine Fight for our Rights!

Cocaine Energy drink is under complete assault. Because the drink is called Cocaine the Government wants to put them down! Don’t we have freedom of speech? I thought so. Don’t we have the right as Americans to say whatever we want? I thought so. Hmm…

Help Cocaine fight to protect our freedom of speech by making a PayPal donation here. Every penny counts, even the smallest donation with help their legal fund grow into something that could become a revolution, so don’t just sit there! Sit there and click some buttons to give Cocaine some cash, it’s for a just cause, I assure you.

Drink Cocaine, fight the Man!

CNN Bashes Cocaine

I was doing some random searches today and I came across a YouTube upload of CNN’s Betty Nguyen, better known as “that hott Asian lady on the news”, hosting an interview with James Kirby, the inventor of extremely controversial Cocaine energy drink. First off, he gets mad props for having the BAWLS (energy drink pun, sorry) to go on a network like CNN knowing his product is just going to get bashed to hell. Oh well, I guess all he wants is exposure for the drink. So far so good! But it really is somewhat interesting to watch him defend himself against her conservative attacks and generalizations and end up holding his own very well.

I thought the video was somewhat entertaining, so here’s an embed for you guys.

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