You might be asking yourself, “A Kings of Leon concert? Really?”
Yes, really. I’m a big fan of their’s, and just because they happen to have a song on pop music stations now doesn’t really bother me. I don’t see them as a band who sold out (yet). Sure, they could eventually hit Nickelback or Kid Rock status at some point, but I doubt that ever happens. They have a distinctive sound, and I dig it.
Anyhoo, I headed up to Noblesville, Indiana to catch the show with my girlfriend and a couple friends. First of all, it had been a few years since I’d been up there for a show (2005, I believe), and I was very excited to see the area around the amphitheater has undergone a massive face lift in those years and that traffic was not suicide inducing (at least, not on the way in. More on that later). Continue reading