[Tech Review] Zune HD

I’m willing to bet that 93% of the people reading this have an iPod, some variation, for their primary MP3 player. 5.5% probably have some cheaper alternative that they bought because it was all they could afford, but likely wish they had an iPod. Another 1% of people may use their phone for an MP3 player. .3% of you might still use some archaic portable  player. .2% might not even listen to music at all.

But what about that remaining .1%? These people might use the Zune or Zune HD. I’m sure a good amount of the people reading this are thinking about buying a Zune HD because they refuse to support Apple but want a solid music player, and just need a few opinions to make that final decision for them. Allow me to help. Continue reading

[Music Review] Minus the Bear “Omni”

God bless progressive musicians who make their music available to fans without fear of losing a dollar or two. When so many artists are quick to claim the internet as a rogue state the provides music to the masses *gasp* for free, there are plenty of artists who use the new medium to put their music out there without consequence. People are free to explore and find new types of music they enjoy.

I recently reviewed MGMT’s Congratulations, and was able to get a couple of weeks head start listening to an album that I had been anticipating for a long time. I enjoy being rewarded for being an impatient fan. It’s the same story with Minus the Bear’s new album Omni, which isn’t set for a physical release until May 4th. But their official website, minusthebear.com, links you to a stream that allows you to listen to the entire album in full.

Allow me to start the formal part of the review by saying this: Go to the website, and listen to this album. And then, when you realize how awesome it actually is, go buy it on May 4th. Buy a physical copy on the website, at a record store, buy it on Itunes, whatever. Just buy it. It’s that good. I haven’t urged anyone to buy an album this much since I single-handedly proclaimed the New Radicals “Band of the 90s” in 1998. Continue reading

The Pokevan is Finished!

A while back, we posted pictures of the Pokevan, which was the result of a case of late night boredom and extreme excitement for Pokemon Heartgold/SoulSilver. It took us a while, but it’s finally a finished product, guaranteed to get our friend laid every night for the rest of his life. Credits go to Zack McDonald for painting such an awesome van, even though now, in comparison, the other side he painted is pretty ugly.

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[Food Review] Burger King’s Whiplash Whopper

So it seems The King has joined forces with Iron Man to create a super duper promotional burger to push the Man of Metal’s highly anticipated new film, “Iron Man 2,” which I am effing sick of hearing about. Am I excited for the movie? Yes. How could I not be? Just looking at the cast roster for the film, which is loaded with at least one of every type of Hollywood badass out there, gets me pumped.

Do I want to see advertisements for this film every time I opening my eyes? Absolutely not. I already know it exists, and I already plan on seeing it whenever it is convenient for me to do so. Leave me alone, Iron Man 2, I’m tired of you hogging my magazines, movie previews, commercials and now my fast food menus. What’s next? Promotional free Iron Man 2 tattoos at select parlors?

Come to think of it, that would be sweet. Continue reading

[Drink Review] Dewmocracy 2010 Lineup


Earlier this week, I reviewed three new Mountain Dew flavors the company has released in its most recent “Dewmocracy” competition. I was hoping not to have to discuss these products any further (especially after the very public humiliation I encountered by having my grammatical inaccuracies  pointed out in a surprisingly sanctimonious string of posts from a young man who normally leaves us insightful and hilarious comments such as “SUP LADIES WANT DO SEX”), but Zac “Pritchy Boy” Pritcher had other ideas.

So here’s a recap… Continue reading

[Random Review] Ab Circle Pro

One of the sheer and utter blisses of being young is that you have all kinds of energy bottled up. You can literally run, climb, swing,  and jump for hours at a time. And you aren’t doing this specifically for your health, you do it because it’s fun. But then adolescence sets in, and it gets a little bit harder to workout. Your feet are disproportionately sized for you body, and you’re dreadfully skinny. This is when you start noticing that after a few minutes of intense workout that you experience this thing you never did as a child: you’re out of breath.

But lucky for you, there are plenty of opportunities to play sports at this time of your life, plus you have gym class a few times a week so you are at least active and getting some exercise. This can continue through college if you’re lucky, because you have plenty of free time to hit the multi-million dollar facility your campus has.

But when you get that diploma you would never believe how little free time you have. Free gym membership based on being a student is gone, and now you have to find a suitable gym that won’t rape you with a monthly fee and selective hours. Plus, these gyms are typically filled with people who take themselves way too seriously, and who wants to deal with those strokes? Continue reading

[Podcast Review] Jordan, Jesse GO!


Jordan, Jesse GO! is, simply put, two friends and occasionally a guest talking. It’s the brainchild of public radio host Jesse Thorn (aka America’s Radio Sweetheart) and sketch comedian and Fuel TV host Jordan Morris (aka Boy Detective).

Each week on the show the two friends discuss anything and everything including Jesse’s early life as the only white inner city youth in San Francisco to Jordan’s passionate love for obscure video games and everything in between. One question still remains. Is it entertaining? Continue reading

[Game Review] Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver (Nintendo DS)

System: Nintendo DS (Exclusive)
Developer: Game Freak
Publisher: Nintendo
Genre: RPG

I’m 20 years old. It’s a late Saturday night, the skies are clear, the air is warm, and adventure can be felt in the air. It’s the first night of the year that could be spent hanging out in a Rally’s drive through, smoking Black & Milds in a grocery store parking lot, or hanging out by a campfire with a harmonica and a Monster Energy Drink.

But I wasn’t doing any of that stuff. No. Instead, I was at my local Wal-Mart Supercenter anxiously awaiting midnight, the hour when Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver would officially go on sale.

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[Food Review] Wendy’s Premium Fish Fillet

I’m not Catholic, but I love March, more specifically, Lent. You may be asking out loud “but Zackery, if you don’t believe in binge drinking, unprotected sex, and cursing for no apparent reason (all of which are common practices of the Catholic faith), then why would you care about Lent (the time of the year when the Catholic peoples quit eating certain foods for whatever reason)?”

The answer is simple, I love fish. You see, to serve the massive demographic of Catholics during this time of the year, fast food restaurants must accommodate their celebration of Jesus being stuck in a desert by serving fish. McDonald’s has their Fillet O’ Fish, BK has something similar, and Taco Bell has their new Shrimp Taco. Wendy’s? They’re offering the new Premium Fish Fillet.

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