Brave Souls Live Coverage Up Tomorrow

I just got back from the Brave Souls show. I took plenty of video which I’m uploading to YouTube now, fingers crossed it doesn’t freeze up on me, and have already started writing an article to let everyone know about the band.

The thing is I’m tired and I have to be at work at 6:30 in the AM, so I’m going to sleep now. All you eager kids’ll just have to wait until tomorrow to see what I thought about the band’s performance.

See you guys tomorrow at about 4 when I post the article, until then go read some of the other posts on the site. Chances are you’ll find something to interest you. G’night!

Naughty Counting

Here is an old video by Lemon Demon that I was showed to by Zac’s girlfriend a while ago. It’s really juvenile, but for some reason or another I just find it extremely funny every time I watch it. It won’t be very hard for you to understand whats going on in the video, but just don’t your let children watch this Sesame Street. Happy $%&#*ing!

It’s Election Day! Go Vote.

"Vote for change!"

Pikachu says: Vote for Change!

Well, the day of reckoning has finally come. The day when the next figurehead takes over America. We have the right to choose who will lead our nation for the next four years, and if you haven’t voted already you need to go do that.

Polls close here in an hour, so step on it. And as long as you’re in line before 6:00PM they have to wait until your vote is counted to close up shop. This is a very important day for America, so don’t miss the opportunity to express yourself and vote for our next president.

Scheduled Updates for Week of Nov. 2nd

So I tried toning down my ambitious planning in the Scheduled Updates last week and it worked out quite well. I got 6/8 things up, including the Venom and Curve reviews, Caught in the Headlights coverage, and my first entry into the PackRat Paragraphs. I also delivered some special posts for Halloween which included the Dawn of the Dead and Splatterhouse reviews.

Here’s what you can expect next week:

  • New entry into the PackRat Paragraphs
  • Full Throttle energy drink review
  • Teaser for the Terre Haute Skates project I’m working on
  • A video game review (undecided)
  • Mint Snuff All Mint Tobacco Free Chew review (ugh)
  • Hopefully some more local band coverage
  • That Land of the Dead review I should’ve had up on Halloween. Sorry
  • Pat and Tate’s posts
  • Whatever other news or reviews I decide to post

And Christmas is at the end of next month! YES! I just remembered that! I want a dragon and half a bottle of punch and a skateboard with wings and… a pocket watch! And as always, keep reading Everyview!

Happy Halloween!

That’s right all you ghosts and ghouls, it’s officially Halloween and we are dedicating this day to only the creepiest and crawliest of articles. I just went to Walmart and picked up Dawn of the Dead and Land of the Dead in a double-pack for thirteen bucks, so you can bet reviews are coming.

Keep checking back throughout the day to see what scary festivities we have posted!



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1,000 Hits and Counting

I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who’s been viewing the site on a regular basis and helping me hit 1,000 views in under a month. My original goal was 500 hits in my first month of operation and Pat, Tate and I are proud to report that we’re at exactly 1,036 views at the time of this writing and it isn’t even the end of October yet!

Thanks once again to everyone who is helping to make my new hobby far more enjoyable than I ever thought it would be! Click ‘read more’ for some interesting facts and shoutouts to the most active members. And as always, keep reading Everyview!

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That’s right all you jealous SOB’s! I was at Ivy Tech today and I went outside to smoke a cigarette and guess who I saw! Sparky the mamajammin’ Firedog! Luckily for me he wasn’t afraid to show our love to the world and let my buddy take a picture with my BlackBerry Curve (review soon!). Here it is:

How awesome is this?

How awesome is this?

So I’m Trying to Learn Russian…

After about a week solid of using a heavily convincing Russian accent at work and pissing off my lovely girlfriend to no end, I’ve decided I want to actually learn how to speak the language. I looked up “how to speak Russian” on Google and found a nice little site with some exercises, rules for pronunciation, and the alphabet. Yeah forget that. I looked at the alphabet, with all it’s backward 3’s, W looking things, 6’s and reversed N’s and I’ve decided it’s impossible. I don’t even think Russians speak Russian. They probably just drink lots of vodka and make random noises which people assume is foreign, but they are just trying to speak English through their drunken beards.

I think I still might try, though. It’s just gonna take 13 years to figure out that damn alphabet. Once I get it down, though, you’ll all be jealous because I’m gonna get to hook up with hot Russian chicks like this fine lady:

Oh wait… that’s just a fat kid!

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Scheduled Updates for Week of Oct. 26

There were a couple of things I didn’t get to last week, mainly because my planning is overly ambitious. I always plan way too much and then can’t get it to you. I did get that Triple Steak review to you guys, though it was technically this week. Whatever.

This stuff should be coming to you this week:

  • Venom Energy review
  • Motley Crue Saints of Los Angeles review
  • My first entry into the PackRat Paragraphs (finally! sorry about that)
  • BlackBerry Curve review
  • Caught in the Headlights coverage of their Bogeys show (videos)
  • First video review (might be up tonight)
  • Whatever Patrick and Tate decide to post (we’ll start collaborating on this next week.)
  • Some random news.

Hopefully I’ll be able to finish all this for you guys. And as always, if you have any ideas for reviews or news then hit me up at or just leave it here. Keep reading Everyview!