Weekly Recap for Nov. 17 – 22nd

Wow, this was a big week for us here at Everyview. Traffic is higher than ever and posts are just as plentiful. We are also starting to see a more comment-active reader base emerge on the site, which is fantastic news and makes us feel good so keep it up. This weeks popular posts consisted of:

Awesome. Keep reading Everyview!

Review: Cocaine Energy

Cocaine Hot and Spicy


Cocaine energy drink is one of the most sought after beverages in the industry due to the fact that next no store will carry and the only way to get it is through the drinks website. I’ve always wanted to taste the drink responsible for garnering so much flak from state and federal regulators, and mine is finally here. It’s review time!

Straight from the can:

Warning: This message is for the people who are too stupid to recognize the obvious. This product does not contain the drug Cocaine (duh). This product is not intended to be an alternative to an illicit street drug, and anyone who thinks otherwise is an idiot.

Awesome. Continue reading

Review: BodyShot Little Cigars-Trance


BodyShot brand little cigars are produced by Cheyenne International LLC and come in a few different flavors including Rum and Cola, Mojito, and Trance, the latter product is the one being reviewed. BodyShot is from the same upstart company that provides smokers with Cheyenne tobacco, 901’z Menthol, and Cayman natural tobacco cigarettes.

Trance BodyShot cigars

Are these really worth a shot? Let’s check it out.

Continue reading

Upcoming Review: Dragon View for the SNES

Most people probably haven’t heard of this game and actually neither have I until a few days ago, but judging from a few people I’ve talked to it’s not that bad. I don’t plan to review only things that are good. But this should give you something to look forward to from me. I’ll also gladly take any requests for games on NES, SNES, Gameboy Color/Advance.

New Contributor: Brandon Thompson

Hey everyone, I’ll be writing up some reviews for Everyview. I’m sure 99% of the readers have no fucking clue who I am. Well, I don’t care. You’ll be getting to hear some of my awesome reviews for old games no longer on the market for the most part. I’ll even be reviewing some newer games for the 360, PC, and DS. Once in a while I may throw in a random review about some food or drink.

Weekly Recap for Nov. 9th-16th

This week was awesome, just like every other week. Here’s the recap:

Sweet! Keep reading Everyview! Continue reading

Awesome Lip Tattoo

Last night I was completely stumped. I had some extra cash and I decided I wanted to get a new tattoo. The thing was, I didn’t have enough extra cash to get a sweet, intricate tattoo. What to get, what to get… Got it! I decided to get a lip tattoo that says Zombie! Awesome? Yes.

I went by his shop and told him I would be there at 1 o’clock today. I showed up, dropped him a little cash, and got the word ‘ZOMBIE’ written on the inside of my lip. I rock.

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Well, We’re up to 2,000 Hits!

Just wanted to give a quick status update and let everyone know that Everyview has hit 2,000 views! I just wanted to thank everyone for coming by the site and I’m glad you guys all like it.

I also have an announcement to make! Since we hit 2,000 views I’ve decided to start saving money to buy the domain name Everyview.com. The only problem is that it already belongs to some company and they are selling it for the ridiculous price of like $650!! You guys should make donations! Not really.

Anyway, thanks a million, guys. I really appreciate your support! And as always, keep reading Everyview!

Weekly Recap for Nov. 2nd-9th

Instead of doing scheduled updates, I’ve decided to start doing a weekly recap feature. If you’ll remember correctly, I was never really able to deliver on what I promised in the Scheduled Updates, and I would instead review other things that weren’t scheduled. This’ll hopefully work out easier since I’m just telling you what’s been posted throughout the week and a link to it in case you missed it!

This weeks recap: