Review: Amazone Guarana Cigarettes

Amazone Guarana CigarettesFirst off, I do not recommend smoking by anyone of any age. This review is for people who have already made the conscious decision to take on the habit and inform them of other products they might enjoy. If you have not already started smoking then it’s best if you never do.


This is possibly the stupidest idea ever. Cigarettes with guarana, an energizing substance often found in energy drinks? That makes absolutely no sense. It’s like, “Hey! I wanna run now but I can’t because it hurts my lungs”. Pissing me off. Whoever thought of these probably feels like the worlds biggest moron, and rightfully so. This was a stupid idea.

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Review: Rum and Cola Bodyshot Little Cigars

Rum and Cola BodyShot cigars

First off, I do not recommend smoking by anyone of any age. This review is for people who have already made the conscious decision to take on the habit and inform them of other products they might enjoy. If you have not already started smoking then it’s best if you never do.


You may remember my review for the Trance flavor of Bodyshots which was posted a while back. They were a decent smoke scoring a 7.3/10 here on Everyview, held back mainly by their odor. The review has proven to be rather popular, staying on or around the top posts since written, and has warranted me several hits from Google and Yahoo, therefore I decided to review another flavor; Rum and Cola. Continue reading

The Top Fives are Coming!

I just finished Googling myself, sad I know, and I found some of the old articles I did when I wrote for a gaming website called Aeropause. One of the things I found that I remembered being my favorite was an editorial called The Top Five. I did all kinds of things from The Top Five: Gaming Consoles to The Top Five: The Legend of Zeldas. Man, those were good days. But the future looks much better!

You guys can look forward to my first The Top Five in well over 2 years. It should be up later today, but I just might hold out until tomorrow. It all depends on how busy I am.

Weekly Recap for Dec. 8th – 12th

I want to take a second to apologize for all my loyal readers who have been checking in throughout the week to find very little few posts. I haven’t been posting as regularly a I usually do, mostly due to finals week approaching, but also because I’ve been spending a lot of time RipStikking at my local skate park to try to get as much shredding in before the winter months bring too much snow. Anyway, things might be a little slow for the next week, but after that I’ll have the sight up to where it should be. But here are the bigger posts of this past week.

Told you it was slow. Anyway, keep reading Everyview!

Weekly Recap for Nov. 30th – Dec. 5th

This was a pretty big week here at Everyview. We had plenty of reviews, a few new articles, and most notably we hit the 5,000 views benchmark. That’s a pretty big deal when our original predictions were 500 views a month, and we’ve already gotten as far as we have in less than three months. Here are the more popular articles with links back to them.

Awesome! Keep reading Everyview!

5,000 Hits and Going Strong

Wow. 5,000 hits already. I honestly didn’t expect this to happen until sometime in early 2009, but here we are. The site has been running for only about 3 months and we’ve managed to build a decent reputation with some companies who’s products we’ve reviewed, earn some loyal readers, and most importantly, write about what we love to write about.

I started this blog to review products that I cared about. Energy drinks, video games, and food, for example, were some of the main things I wanted to let people know about. I started it as a passing hobby, but it has since grown into an integral part of my daily rituals. It’s been over a month with no posts, and I’m constantly checking statistics and referrals.

So I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who visits the site on a daily basis, to everyone who takes the 6 seconds required to leave a comment, special thanks to my good friend Zack Deal for giving me the idea to start this blog, and a BIG thanks to anyone who has ever referred anyone to this site. And as always, keep reading Everyview!

Lots of Energy Drink Reviews are Coming!

Later today, tomorrow, and Saturday I think it’s only fair to warn you that you will be bombarded with awesome energy drink reviews which might be so awesome that your kidneys fail. You may be asking yourself something like “Why is he giving me so many awesome energy drink reviews? Does he love me?” The answer is yes. I love you very much. And also so that I can do a Holiday Buyer’s Guide for Energy Drink Lovers, and I’m pushing to get all Buyer’s Guides up before the tenth.

We’ve already done PC, DS, and Movie Lover guides, and still have several left to post! We should’ve started sooner, but we didn’t. Next year, though, expect awesome buyer’s guides by the first on December. Don’t hold me to that.

Click ‘Read More’ to see some of the Energy Drink Reviews that will be posted very, very soon.

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Weekly Recap for Nov. 24th – 29th

We didn’t have as many big reviews as usual due to needing to spend time with the family for Thanksgiving, but we had some heavy hitters regardless. Here’s the recap for last week, as well as a few things we’re working on.


Coming Soon

  • Motley Crue’s Saints of Los Angeles Album review
  • The Legend of Zelda and Philosophy review
  • Final Fantasy V and VII Retro-Reviews
  • Star Wars: The Force Unleashed Review
  • Indie Band for the Month of December unveiled tomorrow

Happy Thanksgiving!

It’s Thanksgiving today! Yay!! And because of that I’m not going to post anything other than this today so that way all you guys can go be with your families instead of hanging out here on my awesome website. Because family’s something everybody needs to appreciate. Anyway, have a great Thanksgiving and I hope your dinner is better than this one from Fail Foods.

thanksgiving dinner

Coming in December

This December we are going to be some busy bloggers. First on the menu is a new award we are granting to only the most skilled, talented and deserving of Indie bands called, duh, Everyview’s Indie Band of the Month Award! The first band to win this coveted award will be revealed the first day of December, so check back for that.

We are also going to make some Holiday Shopper’s Guides. Everything from gifts for gamers, energy drink fanatics/addicts, the tobacco lover, the geek, the musician, and even for the old man down the street will be covered in our shopper’s guides. Excited? I know.

Anyway, that was just a quick update since I don’t feel like working on the Land of the Dead review that’s almost a month overdo.