Just Some Quick Updates

Just wanted to stop by and tell you guys what’s going on here at Everyview. You may have noticed posts have thinned out this week, but we’ve been very busy. Anyway here are some of the more notable bits of news, both upcoming and passed. Check it out!

First up, Starbucks contacted us and asked us if we wanted to review their entire lineup of Energy + Coffee drinks. I reviewed their Vanilla blend a while back, you can find it here if you are interested. On top of that, the makers of Mana energy shot asked if I would be interested in reviewing their new Health Potion shot. Expect reviews sometime next month or whenever they get here.

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Review: Left 4 Dead (Xbox 360)



System: Xbox 360 (also on: PC)
Developer: Valve/Certain Affinity
Publisher: Valve/EA
Genre: FPS/Survival Horror

If you’ll think back (or link back if you can’t remember) you might recall a couple of zombie movies I reviewed. The first was a film consisting of fast paced zombie action with lots of blood, gore, and huge portions of pure, unadulterated awesome. This film was called Dawn of the Dead. The second flick featured slow, stupid zombies that couldn’t scare a retarded blind cheerleader. This movie was called Land of the Dead. Thankfully, like the former listed, Left 4 Dead ditches the old myth that zombies are bumbling morons and replaces it with the more recent idea that zombies are lightning fast and extremely deadly. I love zombies.

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Weekly Recap for Jan. 26th – 31st

Well we’ve came to the end of another week and you all know what that means! Weekly recap! Here are links back to this week’s articles so you can see what you may’ve missed. Enjoy.

Welp, that wraps up last weeks posts. And it’s officially a new month on top of that which means a new Indie Band of the Month article is coming. Hopefully tomorrow, maybe Tuesday. I know the anticipation is killing you, but don’t hold your breath. Unless you think you can hold your breath for 2-3 days, in which case I say go for it. Just don’t die. And as always, keep reading Everyview!

The Results are in for Poll #1!

The results for our first poll are in! Since this was our first poll we simply used it to get a rough idea of how often our readers visit the site.

The question was:
“How often do you visit Everyview”

And here are the results:

  • “Daily, or close to it” – 42% (21 votes)
  • “About once or twice a week” – 26% (13 votes)
  • “Every once in a while” – 16% (8 votes)
  • “It’s my first time!” – 16% (8 votes)
  • Total votes – 50

I closed it off at 50 votes because I thought that was plenty to get a feel for who my reader base is. Most people who voted visit near daily or at least once or twice a week. A smaller percentage of people only come every once in a while or have just found the site for their first time ever. Sure hope they come back!

A new poll will be up soon enough, but until then keep reading Everyview!

Weekly Recap for Jan. 19th – 24th

Another week down and another on it’s way, here’s the recap for laste week with links back so you can check and see what you may have missed.

Hooray! Enjoy the links, guys, take care and enjoy your Sunday! Until next time, keep reading Everyview!

PackRat Paragraphs: Flask Belt Buckle

I was at the mall the other day looking for some new belt buckles to add to my awesome collection and stumbled upon two that I found to be absolutely amazing. The first one is the one listed here, and the other, way cooler buckle will be the feature of next week’s PackRat Paragraphs.

Flask Belt Buckle

Yeah, it’s a freakin’ flask for a belt buckle. Well, the buckle itself is actually just a slot for the flask, that way you don’t have to take your belt off and risk losing your pants just for a drink. It only holds about a shot of… apple juice anyway which renders it no more than a mere novelty, but it’s a totally awesome novelty.  There were other, bigger flask buckles as well but this one was on clearance for 5 bucks as opposed to 20 and it does the same job. It’s held into place with two magnets on the bottom of the holder so you don’t have to worry about losing it.

Click Read More to see more pictures of it.

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So we’re gonna start doing polls…

Everyone likes to vote! Now you can do just that with the polls that are now on Everyview. They can be found at the right of the page on the sidebar under the blogroll, so keep an eye on ’em and see when they’ve updated. I’m not sure how long I’ll keep this first one up, probably until I feel we have enough votes. So go over to it and let us know how often you visit our site so we can start getting into more important polls that will help us write entertaining articles that you guys deserve to read!

And as always, keep reading Everyview!

Weekly Recap for Jan. 12th – 17th

Well would you look at that! For the first time in a while we got an entire week without missing a single day of posts! And we got more than one post a day a couple times. So that probably means you missed a couple of important things, right? Well worry not, children, as I’ve got a weekly recap right here with links back to all the important articles of the week. Enjoy!

Well there you go guys, hope you enjoy it and stay with us until we reach our next goal of 15,000 hits. Until then, keep reading Everyview!

So I have decided to come out of the Closet…

This review is very misleading and I know that. If you could find it in your hearts to forgive me that would be most appreciated. I have decided to tell the world a secret that’s been gnawing at my neck for almost 300 years.

I would like everyone to know that I am a vampire and I drink blood for sustinance. The vampire community would probably have me removed for revealing you the truth about the existence of our species. There are many truths, myths, and misunderstandings about us and if you have any questions you can get a hold of me at Immortality4ever@yahoo.com. Please do not fear me because I have been currently trying to control myself with animal blood and it’s working with some success. I’m sorry that this secret has been kept from you for so long. Depending on how my editor feels I will continue to write for Everyview. Thank you for your time.

Patricker O’brien

So We’ve Exceeded 10,000 Hits…

… in 4 months (I know the archives has five months listed, but September doesn’t count since it was only the very end of the month). How exciting is that?

I want to take this opportunity to thank absolutely everyone who has made this a possibility for us here at Everyview. You see, when I first started this site I was expecting to get maybe 400 hits a month, which would be a hundred a week. I’m glad to say that once we got our posting regular and started to earn a reader base things really took off. We have rather high visibility on search engines and have been featured on a couple of other sites and our reviews have been used as references in forums as far away as Russia. Russia! That’s awesome!

Anyway, as excited as I am I’m equally tired and I have to be at work at 7 A.M. So a real quick thanks to our writers, our readers, our supporters, anyone who has ever read anything on this site, anyone who has ever featured one of our articles on their site, anyone who has done a link exchange with us (check out the blog roll at the right of the page), anyone who has ever provided us with kind words of inspiration, any band that has ever asked for Everyview coverage, any company that has ever sent us a product to review, and Zack Deal for giving me the idea to start this website. Thanks guys, goodnight and keep reading Everyview!