Review: Revved Up Wintergreen Energy Dip

revved-up-energy-dipDisclaimer: I do not condone or recommend use or of promote consumption of any form of tobacco. This review is not meant to get anyone interested in starting the habit and is only to inform those who have already fallen into addiction of a product they may be interested. Do not begin any tobacco habits.


A while back I reviewed Amazone Guarana Cigarettes, smokes that claim to provide an uplifting, energizing feeling to the consumer. They were unbelievably pathetic, scoring a dismal 1.3/10, and the only feeling it provided was an urge to go back and time and keep yourself from smoking them. Revved up fairs much better by providing a solid tobacco product, but does it really give you energy?

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Check out our Twitter Feed

twitter_graphicHey guys, check out our new Twitter feed either by clicking here or by clicking the button on the left sidebar underneath the archives. There’s also a button down there to favorite us on Technorati, if you’re into that sort of stuff. Anyway, the feed is, of course, bare right now since we just put it up, but follow us anyway so you can always see what we’re doing, you little creepers.

Weekly Recap for Feb. 9th – 14th

Here’s to another week your socks were completely rocked here at Everyview. Here is the weekly recap with links back to any articles you may have missed. Enjoy!

Well there you go guys! And as always, keep reading Everyview!

Weekly Recap for Feb. 2nd – 7th

Another week gone and another one on the way. Some of you may have noticed our posts were down just a little bit this week, but worry not loyal readers. We’ve got about 20 or more reviews in the works right now, many of which are heavy hitters, but there are some little guys mixed in their as well. But let’s see what you might have missed last week.

Well that about sums up the bigger posts. Told you posting dropped a little. Anyway, you’ll all be more pleased with what’s going up in the coming weeks. So until then, keep reading Everyview!