Weekly Recap for April 13th – 18th

Last week was pretty big for us here at Everyview. Here’s a list of our articles with links back so you can check them out!

There you go guys. A real big thanks to Kevin Cassidy from GoNintendo for featuring the DSi Camera Comparison article. That netted us like 10x more traffic than we usually get, so we were pretty excited. Anyway, we’ll be back tomorrow with some new energy drink review, and we’ll be continuing our DSi-centric articles (The Top 5: DS Games Everyone Should Play, some Nintendo DS game reviews), as well as a couple of things we haven’t planned yet, I’m sure. Until then, keep reading Everyview!

Review: Doritos Late Night Tacos at Midnight


You know how usually when you grab a bag of Taco flavored chips, they don’t really taste like tacos? Instead they possess a flavor that has been established as the official artificial taco flavor for potato-based snacks? Well those days are over, my friends, and it’s all thanks to Doritos.

The new Late Night Tacos at Midnight flavored Doritos are pure evolution in the most evolutionary manner possible. No longer must we settle for tortilla chips that claim to be the flavor of authentic Mexican cuisine. No longer must we take the lies fed to us in the form of salt and artificial seasoning on top of a corn chip. We now have something to believe in, the future of all snacking. Ladies and gentlemen, this is evolution in the works.

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Weekly Recap for April 6th – 11th

Hey guys, Happy Easter! Here is a list of last week’s posts as well as links back so you can read up on anything you may have missed. Enjoy!

There you go guys. There’s plenty of posts to keep anyone from getting bored while being forced to spend time with their great uncle Joe on Easter. As always, keep reading Everyview!

Review: Colgate Wisps


Bad breath happens to everyone. It can come from a can of coffee, a cigarette, or a meal composed entirely of onions, garlic and milk. Unfortunately for most people, the stinkiest, most foul occurrences of bad breath happen away from the sanctity of your toothbrush. And how are you going to approach the popular kids at school or ask your boss for a well-earned bonus when your breath smells like the sweat of a chinese child laborer?

That’s why the engineers at Colgate whipped up their newest product, the Wisp. These little breath savers are miniature, portable tooth brushes implanted with a blue flavor bead full of ultra powerful minty liquid that is sure to leave your breath smelling super clean as well as a tooth pick on the other end to reach in between the gums and grab that parsley or popcorn kernel right out of its little hiding place.

At least that’s what they are supposed to do. But do they really work?

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New Poll: Are You Getting a DSi?

Go check out the new poll on the right sidebar. The question this time is “Are You Getting a DSi?” The results will be used to gauge how many of you guys will be interested in reading some DSi-centric content. And for those of you who are worried the DSi will take over this site like it has my life, don’t be. I just need to know what priority we should assign our reviews and articles.

Thanks guys! And as always, keep reading Everyview!

Review: Cottonelle Fresh


Whether we wish to discuss the topic openly or not, all of us shit and many of us do so multiple times daily. For some of us, like yours truly, these encounters can be violent and unpleasant affairs that can sometimes leaves us questioning if life is even worth living.  What would often magnify this discomfort was having to spend extra time reliving the horror we just encountered with the use of toilet paper which more or less just clumps things together and makes the affair all the more unpleasant. Well for those of you tired of this archaic practice but are unaware of where to turn, the good folks at Cottonelle have the solution you have been waiting for your entire lives.

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Weekly Recap for March 30th – April 4th

Here’s a list of last week’s articles with links back to each one in case you missed anything. Enjoy!

Well there you have it. Next week we expect to get back on track with all the killer reviews you guys love and have undoubtedly began to miss since that Starbucks Contest took all of our time. Hopefully you’ll be please with what we bring you next week. Until then, keep reading Everyview!

SnaggStuff, New Deal-a-Day Site

Most of you are probably familiar with Woot.com and their “one deal a day” marketing strategy. They also have the famous Bag of Crap, a bunch of random items thrown into a box and shipped to the person for $3.00, plus $5.00 shipping.

snaggstuffmysteryboxWell, SnaggStuff has implemented pretty much the exact same thing into their website. They have one deal every day, with the occasional Mystery Box. The idea behind the Mystery Box is they toss around 5 items into a box, you pay a bit of money, and you’re supposed to get more than you paid for. They even tell you how much the box of stuff should retail for. The latest one retails for $50 and they sell it for $15. Well, I bought two of them, and will be posting up everything I get once the boxes come in. Along with this will be a mini-review. If I can get it all working and set up properly, I’ll also post a video of the unboxing. Let’s hope I get some awesome stuff!

image via

And the Starbucks Contest Winner is…

starbucks-logo1We received many entries for our Starbucks Contest, many of which had to be disqualified for various reasons. There were still a few left, but at the end one entry stood out among the rest as the clear winner.

Ryan, site administrator over at GrubGrade.com, a great site for food reviews and is immediately receiving a spot on our BlogRoll, entered a review that met all of the criteria and regulations and also managed to be entertaining and informative. Congratulations Ryan, thanks a lot for you entry! Your prize will be on it’s way soon, hope you enjoy it.

As for everyone else, thanks for entering and look out for any contests we may hold in the near future. Thanks for all your support, and as always, keep reading Everyview!