Review: Ecstacy Tobacco-Free Cigarettes (Reds)


Really? Tobacco free cigarettes? How pointless, right? Wrong. I’ll tell you what is pointless. Pointless is those energy cigarettes I reviewed a while back that make you want to run but you can’t because you’re busy hacking up your lungs. I absolutely hate those stupid things. Anyway, it’s review time!

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Review: Verve! Energy Supplement


Before we get started, let’s make one thing clear. There is an absolutely huge difference between energy drinks and energy supplements. Energy drinks are made to be delicious beverages with loads of sugar and artificial sweeteners to tickle your taste buds whereas energy supplements are meant to supply you with energy without killing your kidneys in the process.

vemma-vere-energy-drinkVerve supplement is from the same people that created the ultra-powerful, award winning antioxidant juice known as Vemma, and contains the same beneficial ingredients plus a few extras to give you an energetic boost. Verve sponsors several major league sport teams and is highly enjoyed and recommended by athletes all over America.

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Review: J&D’s Bacon Salt (Original Flavor)


Everything should taste like bacon. That’s why one of the world’s most ingenious ideas came to fruition in 2007 and is now one of the most sought after spices in America, likely due to our love of eating. That idea, of course, was Bacon Salt. Justin and Dave, both bacon fanatics, concocted a spice so amazing that it has spread across the internet and America like wildfire. They pitched the idea to a few different people while on a business trip and, needless to say, they loved it. Is Bacon Salt really as good as everyone claims it to be? Well, read on to find out.

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A Self-Promoting Self-Introduction

My name is Andrew Majors, and I’m guessing you, as a clever futuristic Internet user, might have already figured that out. I’m a criminally underemployed Indiana University graduate, and I’m not at all bitter about that. I was born, raised, and still currently reside in Terre Haute, Indiana. You should be jealous of that.

I am 23, and I still watch Professional Wrestling.

I have odd tastes and preferences, and am incredibly self-involved. I’m a narcissistic manchild with a strong desire to change the world.

Nice to meet you.

Weekly Recap for April 20th – 25th

This was easily one of the most exciting weeks we’ve ever had here at Everyview. We are proud to announce that we are now!!! That’s right, loyal readers, we finally acquired our $400 domain name, so hopefully this will help you remember who we are and earn us some higher Google visibility and increase traffic so we can take over the review-blog world! The next step is acquiring competent hosting but we are now completely broke, so we’ll let you know when we are closer to being a real website. Anyway, here’s a list of last week’s posts with links back in case you missed anything. Enjoy!

There you go guys, have a great Sunday! And as always, keep reading Everyview! DOT COM!!!!

“Let The Right One In” Film Review


I generally am not someone who enjoys watching horror movies. In fact, I would say it’s my least favorite movie genre. I do however like to appear smarter than I actually am by flaunting my appreciation of critically acclaimed films. So when I saw Rotten Tomatoes had a whopping 98% rating for the Swedish vampire flick “Let The Right One In,” I felt obliged to check it out. Not only was it bursting with acclaim, but it was also foreign, thus doubling my chances of looking like a film scholar. Well, luckily for me and my pursuits of fraudulent intellectualism, the film is very deserving of its critical praise.

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John Grisham’s “The Innocent Man” Review


John Grisham’s “The Innocent Man” tells the disturbing true story of gritty a small-town murder that ruins the lives of more than just the young girl who was killed. Witness the gripping reality of the flaws of our nation’s legal system and watch as a once healthy and popular man slips into hysteria as he lives out his life in prison for a crime he did not commit.

“The Innocent Man” tells a story of broken dreams, shattered lives, drug and alcohol addiction, gritty murder, and how pathetic our court system can be and how meaningless human lives are in the eyes of our peers. Innocent until proven guilty? That statement will be nothing more than the corpse of something you once believed after reading this shocking true story.

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We Got Our Domain Name!

Hey guys, just wanted to let you all know that we finally bought our domain name! is secured and ownership will be transferred to us in about 12 hours. After that it’s only a matter of days before you’ll be visiting our site without that pesky .wordpress subdomain to get in your way.

Along with that update, the Review Round-Up page will be finished tonight before I engage in slumber, I’m making that a promise. I don’t care how boring it is to make, it’ll be up and running for you guys to explore.

And one final note, we have two new contributors on their way in so keep an eye out for the Everyview Team to update and grow a little bit more.

Thanks a lot to you guys, the readers, for making this possible. Until next time, keep reading Everyview!


The domain thing worked out a lot quicker than I thought it would. Welcome to! Plus, the Everyview Round-Up is now finished! Goodnight.

We’re Doing Some Site Construction

Some of you may have noticed the new “Review Round-Up” page at the top. It’s not finished yet, as I’m sure you’ve likely noticed. However, it will be done soon but has, for now, slowed posting to a halt. When it’s done it will be a complete list of every review ever done by Everyview with links back and all that jazz. It will also take the place of the “Request Reviews” page, as readers are welcome to search through the categories on “Review Round-Up” and submit a request if they can’t find what they are looking for.

Anyway, hopefully this will be done by tomorrow so we can get back to bringing you more great reviews. Why don’t you go ahead and check out the page now and browse our small selection of Book Reviews or gawk at our massive and still growing list of Energy Drink Reviews. Until next time, keep reading Everyview!