Weekly Feature 06/07/09

Here’s a list of some articles posted by our friend sites. Check them out and show them some love, they are all excellent sites.

Special Thanks

This week the special thanks goes to The Impulsive Buy for featuring our Cardboard Box review in their THE WEEK IN REVIEWS and boosting traffic. Thanks a lot, guys!

[TV Review] “Nurse Jackie” Pilot Episode


If most networks aired “Nurse Jackie,” a new dramady series about an opinionated veteran nurse who plays by her own rules, it would likely seem trite and obnoxious. But when aired on Showtime, a network noted for shows about serial killers, sex addicted (and statutory rapist) novelists and the erotic escapades of Henry VIII, it is bound to generate at least a little interest.

Enticed when I saw the ad to stream the show’s pilot episode for free on Showtime’s official site, I gave ‘er a view and while I wasn’t blown away, I must say I left the show feeling fairly satisfied. Continue reading

An Ode to Mr. Corey

I know writing personal articles about people is usually prohibited on the site, but I thought it would be okay to make an exception for who is quite possibly one of the greatest men to walk this planet. And since I run this site, who’s going to tell me I can’t?

I just received word from regular reader Brandon Majors that Mr. George Corey is retiring from his position as the Electronics Teacher at Terre Haute North Vigo High School. This news is both happy and sad at the same time. Happy because he deserves his retirement more than any other old fart out there, yet sad because generations of knowledge hungry brats will never have the chance to know him.

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[Food Review] Toblerone Swiss Chocolate Bar


Toblerone is a very unique candy bar. It is made from Swiss milk chocolate and filled with almond nougat and honey and comes in a triangular prism packaging to accommodate the bar’s creative triangle shape, which is actually the thing that drove me to try the strange candy in the first place. That and the name, which is apparently a play on the words Tobler, the candy bar’s inventor, and Torrone, the Latin word for honey and almond nougat. Continue reading

[Movie Review] Up (Theatrical)


Pixar just won’t stop. Every summer, it seems, they keep making movies that look like children’s movies but in the end turn out being something far more. Last summer they showed the world Wall-E, a seemingly cute and innocent movie about robots in love, but under the surface lied a tragic tale of our world being destroyed at the hands of global warming, heartbreak, betrayal, and perhaps the easiest to relate to, obesity. Continue reading

[TV Review] “Breaking Bad” Season Two Finale



This is the third time I have written about the AMC series “Breaking Bad,” a show about a chemistry teacher who turns to making crystal meth after discovering he has lung cancer. In my humble opinion, it is the best show on television right now.

After weeks of teasers hinted at some wild shit going down in the season finale, my anticipation level was at an all time high when the season finale aired Sunday. After lifting my expectations, would the series be able to meet them? Continue reading

[Book Review] “Everything Hurts” by Bill Scheft


I have long admired the work of Bill Scheft as the head writer of “The Late Show With David Letterman,” a program I have watch nightly for many years. However, it wasn’t until recently I discovered he was a renowned author, and despite how much I have bragged in previous posts as being a vast appreciator of literature, truth be told I really only take the time to read between five and ten books a year.

But when I saw Scheft promoting his latest book “Everything Hurts” on Letterman recently, it sounded like a story I would grasp onto. And I am always up for discussing topics that make me seem of a higher breed of intellect, so if you have been bothered by my recent outburst of literary prowess, tough luck, fuckers. I’m doing it again. Continue reading

[Site Update] New Banner, New Writer, We’re on a PodCast, and Some Minor Site Facelifts

Sorry for anyone looking for a surprise, that title pretty much gave everything away.

Anyway, some of you may have noticed the new banner floating over your favorite website. Some of you may have noticed that it is pretty lame, plain, and boring. Some may have noticed the zombies. But everyone should know that it is simply a temporary place-holder until we can get a decent prize secured for a “Make Us a Good Banner” contest.

And anyone who has paid attention throughout the past few days may have noticed a review of Common’s “Universal Mind Control” album from a mysterious writer named Thomas Campbell. He’s not actually that mysterious at all, really, but I never made him do an intro post so you just don’t know who he is. He’ll be reviewing and posting here on Everyview from now on and has a specialty in food and music as he used to be a chef and is currently a D.J.

This one mainly goes out to anyone from Everyview’s home town of Terre Haute, Indiana. We are the latest act to be abducted onto Terre Haute’s premiere podcast called “It Came From the Haute.” We’ll be doing a 2-minute segment on a schedule that has yet to be decided, but we’ll keep you posted on how things proceed from here.

Last but not least I am doing some minor site renovations. You may notice the new “(more…)” buttons at the end of most posts and the fact that images are no longer uniform and boring on the main page. But with every project comes a mess, so keep your eyes out for anything that seems funky and report it to me through our Contact page.

Thanks guys, and as always, keep reading Everyview!

[Music Review] “Appeal to Reason” by Rise Against


A sharp effort from the Chicago based band Rise Against proves both intelligent and hard-nosed, making for a good album with a lot to say from a band that isn’t afraid to say it.


Rise Against is a band out of the Windy City that provides a crisp hard rock/punk sound with relevant lyrics, powerful vocals, tight and precise guitar work, and intense drumming. Their 5th studio album, “Appeal to Reason,” is a motivated effort and it’s evident that this band isn’t like a lot of others in the Punk-Rock Genre these days. Rise Against actually has something to say.

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