[Movie Review] Angels and Demons


Angels and Demons is another Dan Brown adaptation from Ron Howard starring Tom Hanks as Robert Langdon, and the latest effort is no more of a quality film as the disappointing Da Vinci Code. A film that bounces between fun for the first two hours and tedious in the final thirty minutes never seems to know when to say when, Angels and Demons is neither very good nor very worthwhile. And there might be some spoilers in this review, so watch out. Continue reading

[The Everyview Update] 06/14/09

Here’s a handful of links to articles from our best friends. Go check them out, they are stellar sites.

As for our updates, make sure you upload a personalized photo in your user dashboard’s profile section if you are a registered member. Aside from that there’s nothing really new to announce other than we’re working on getting a new contest. Keep an eye out for details to emerge soon. It’s nothing huge, but it’s something none-the-less.

Peace out guys. And as always, keep reading Everyview!

[Movie Review] Doubt


Doubt, a 2008 oft-awarded film, is simple in structure, but not simple in theme. It’s a very mature film, one that requires the viewer to watch and watch closely, as the dialogue is what drives the film.

It took me awhile to see this movie, and I’m surprised that it did. I usually rush out to see these Oscar-baity films but in this case I’m glad I waited. I don’t think a theater experience is needed for this film, and I actually think it probably plays better on a smaller scale. Continue reading

[CD Review] Dave Matthews Band: Big Whiskey and the GrooGrux King


The ever popular Dave Matthews Band is back in a big way with “Big Whiskey and the GrooGrux King.” It’s a much welcomed return from a creative group of musicians who make some pretty impressive music. This album is completely dedicated to the memory of the band’s late saxophonist LeRoi Moore, and it seems as the death of their friend motivated the band to create some really good songs. Continue reading

[DVD Review] Gran Torino


gran-torino-movie-reviewI heard a wide range of opinions about Clint Eastwood’s new movie “Gran Torino” prior to my viewing of it. Opinions ranging from “great,” to “comically awful” to “intentionally comically awful,” so I felt like I had a wide variety of options before I watched it.

I have a great deal of respect for Clint Eastwood as an actor and a director, and the good opinions for this movie greatly outweighed the bad, so I tried to block out the  “comically awful” claims made by my brother and his east coast friends, hoping their claims were mere elitism. Continue reading

[Food Review] Crush Pound Cake


crush-pound-cakePound cakes are possibly the most useful food item on the face of this planet. They can be used as paper weights, door stops, kids like to throw them at passing trains, mobsters tie them to the feet of disloyal clients before dropping them into the nearest river, and starving homeless people bash pizza delivery boys over the head with them to get some chow. But aside from these extremely practical uses, the pound cakes themselves can actually be eaten and are honestly quite delicious despite weighing as much as a morbidly obese hamster. Continue reading

[Game Review] Mario Kart Wii


mario-kart-wii-boxMany of us (young people) have probably played a version of Mario Kart at some point in our lives, on N64, Game Cube, or another Nintendo product. The game was just one of those that was simple and fun and could be played as multi-player easily and effectively engage a group of people.

The Wii takes that to another level. Continue reading

[New Writer] Thomas Campbell

I have not yet properly introduced myself, so I am now going to do so.

I’m Thomas. I’m a DJ. I play video games. I write for Everyview. I am Honduran. I know a lot about food/cooking and music and stuff. So, uh… I guess I’ll be writing about plenty of that. I also have a fine knowledge of the Informationweb Supernetwork, and the MySpace Dot Coms.

If the moon were made of ribs, I would eat it.

[Site Updates] Upload Your Own Photo, Working on New Community Features

Ever notice those sexy silhouettes that sit next the the vast majority of comments posted on the site? Ever spent more than 3 minutes looking for a way to upload your own custom photo but can’t seem to find it? That’s because it’s not there.

But now it is! Registered users now have the ability to upload pictures from the Profile section of their Everyview Dashboard, meaning there will hopefully be less silhouettes and more naked lady readers.

On top of that, we are really wanting to build a community and get you guys active in comments and visiting the site in general. To do this I am working on some new community features that could be ready soon, in a while, or never. Anyway, I’m talking about a forum and some detailed user profiles, stuff like that. But so far I’ve made zilch progress, so I’m not sure when you’re going to get to use these features.

And as always, keep reading Everyview!

[Movie Review] The Hangover (Theatrical)


the-hangover-posterI’d been excited about this movie since I saw the trailer, and I’ll start off by saying “IT DELIVERS”. It isn’t one of those comedies that shoots its wad in the trailer, wasting all the genuine laughs to con you into paying $8 to see it, and then providing nothing new or fresh, leaving you to exit the theater with the sensation that you’ve just been had. This movie is worth it for a variety of reasons. Continue reading