The Worst Entertainment Pieces of the Decade

After the smashing success (by which I mean, slightly less than appalling failure) of my Top Movies of the Decade List, I felt compelled to compile a list that goes in the exact opposite direction. But while it’s nice to play dress up on this site, I am hardly a professional critic. Throw in being poor, and it becomes increasingly difficult for me to accumulate enough items in various entertainment mediums to compile an entire list of pieces I hate in each particular category.

Luckily, monetary issues haven’t prevented me from encountering a great deal of things I detest from all aspects of entertainment. So at the risk of robbing the world of my amusing and articulate observations, I have decided to mash all my hatred into one big, self-indulgent piece. With that, I present to you my list chronicling the most malodorous individual pieces of excrement which have flowed from the bowels of the entertainment industry over the past ten years. Continue reading

The Top Five Movies of the Past Decade

Staggering as it is to think about we are in the final month of the first decade of the new millennium. Knowing that, I’ve taken it upon myself to recap some of my most favorite and most detested happenings of the last ten years.

In that spirit, here are my top five favorite movies released between 2000 and 2009. Continue reading

[Game Review] The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks (DS)

System: Nintendo DS (Exclusive)
Developer: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo
Genre: Adventure

It’s always a phenomenal event when a new Zelda game hits store shelves. The legendary series has been going strong for over 20 years without a single bad entry (except Zelda II. And those awful CDi games don’t count either). Some of the games are better than others, sure, but every notch into the convoluted Zelda time line represents a timeless classic and a memorable adventure. Now that Spirit Tracks for the Nintendo DS, the latest entry into the renowned series, is finally here, it’s time once again to venture through the land of Hyrule on an epic quest to save Princess Zelda. Continue reading

10 Albums Essential for Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse

Smart people are constantly and without rest preparing for the imminent Zombie Apocalypse. Countless battle and escape strategies are discussed and pondered over just as many scenarios, yet no one can ever seem to agree on the proper way to survive an attack from the undead.

Just as varied in opinions and as essential to survival, though much less discussed, is the music you would take with you to your safehold. In the heat of your grandmother trying to get her decomposing jaws around your juicy jugular you aren’t going to have the luxury of sorting through your CD’s for the music you want to take with you.

That’s why Troy from and us here at Everyview highly suggest everyone with at least one functioning brain cell compose a list of 10 albums essential to survival and keep them somewhere immediately accessible. Check out our lists, put some thought into your own, and be sure to prepare yourself for an undead invasion. Continue reading

[Food Review] Five Guys Burgers and Fries

It can be hard to find a good burger. I don’t mean a tasty burger. I don’t mean a cheap burger. I mean a delicious, juicy, fully satisfying burger topped with plenty of crisp veggies and stuffed between a flavorful bun. Burgers like that are hard to come by. Unless, of course, you live anywhere near a Five Guys restaurant.

I had originally heard about Five Guys from a post on Grub Grade and my mind was clouded with nothing but thoughts of the delicious-looking burgers ever since. I had finally gotten my chance to satisfy my insane hunger for Five Guys during a trip to Cincinnati to see Marcy Playground. In all honesty, words can hardly describe how delicious the meal was, so I’ve included a few pictures to help me out a little. Continue reading

[Energy Drink Review] Blood Energy Potion

Blood Energy Potion is a new energy shot from Mana, the people behind both the Mana Energy Potion and Health Energy Potion, two products which have established themselves as fantastically effective energy shots despite their seemingly “novelty” vibe. Plus they look like something straight out of a video game, and that’s something I can totally dig. But Blood has a completely different theme than its predecessors, ditching the WoW crowd and attempting to capitalize on a whole new breed of human beings. The Vampire fans.

I hate vampires. There’s just nothing about them that appeals to me, and as far as I’m concerned they are the lamest creatures of supernatural lore this side of Frankenstein’s Monster. Maybe it’s just because I’m not a 13 year old girl enfatuated with the series of horrible Twilight books and movies, who knows? Most likely it’s because I’m a zombie guy, and I always have been. Continue reading

[Game Review] New Super Mario Bros. Wii

System: Wii (Exclusive)
Developer: Nintendo EAD Tokyo
Publisher: Nintendo
Genre: 2D Platformer

New Super Mario Bros Wii is the first new 2D Mario platforming game in 18 years to grace home consoles. That’s right, believe it or not, gripping your SNES controller with sweaty palms and dry eyes was the last time you played an original 2D Mario platformer on a television set. Time flies.

New Super Mario Bros Wii is a follow up to 2006’s best-selling New Super Mario Bros, which was released on the Nintendo DS. Bearing the same moniker, there are obviously some very obvious similarities between the two titles. The Wii rendition is not, however, a remake of the original New Super Mario Bros on the DS. This game is, as I’ve already stated in my opening paragraph, a completely original and unique 2D platformer. I can’t stress that enough, as I overheard one of the idiots at Gamestop tell a customer that they might as well not buy the game if they’ve played the DS version, as the games are identical. I hate stupid people. Continue reading

[Game Review] Excitebike: World Rally (WiiWare)

System: WiiWare Exclusive
Developer: Monster Games
Publisher: Nintendo
Genre: Racing

Way back in 1985 Nintendo released the original Excitebike on the Nintendo Entertainment System. The then-revolutionary dirt bike racer featured simple controls and addictive beat-the-clock arcade-style gameplay that grabbed hold of gamers and simply wouldn’t let go. The title was met with both critical and commercial success, and is to this very day one of the most beloved NES titles.

Monster Games, the developers for both critically acclaimed spiritual successors to Excitebike, Excitetruck and Excitebots, has taken the formula for what made the original such a smash hit and applied it to Excitebike: World Rally, the newest addition to the Excite lineup of games. Does the 24 year-old formula manage to hold up to today’s standards? Continue reading

TV Shows You Should Watch (And the ones I beg you to skip)

Television is as American as Apple Pie. Many of us enjoy nothing more than plopping our lazy asses in front of the TV and basking in the glow of that heavenly little box as it washes over our collective senses. I know I do.

I’m familiar with how the Hollywood machine works. Some shows survive, some shows die quick and sometimes undeserved deaths. They never get a chance to find their audience, and are bounced around various days and timeslots, and the network never gets behind them. The most obvious of these types of shows is the tragically phenomenal Arrested Development, a 3 season TVgasm that the FOX network never seemed to know what they had. They bounced around the show from day to day, time to time, and the audience never got a chance to find it (though the show has really grown a nice audience thanks to DVD). Continue reading

[Review] Mini Chill Relaxation Shot (Berry Bliss)

In today’s world it is all too often that you need an extra burst of energy just to keep up with your busy life. Thankfully there are plenty products for that. Energy Drinks, Energy Candies, Energy Shots, Energy Powders, Energy Patches, Energy Mixes, Energy Gum, Energy Soap, and the list goes on and on.

But what about when the time finally comes to slow down? Luckily there is a growing list of products out there that help calm you down when you need to relax and take a load off. The Mini Chill Relaxation Shot is one such product. Whether you’re getting ready for bed or just ending a stressful overtime shift, this thing will make your “you” time much more enjoyable. Continue reading