[Energy Drink Review] Ol’ Glory

us army energy drink

By Americans, for Americans!

I’ve reviewed budget drinks before, and rarely are any of them any good. I entirely expected to use the Army recruiting ad to enlist myself, go overseas, and pray that someone would drop a bomb on me, shattering my body into a million pieces so I wouldn’t have to remember how awful this stuff was. Somehow though, Ol’ Glory managed to surprise me with what is actually a pretty good energy drink. Partner that with its excellent value and this is a product I can wholeheartedly recommend. Just poor it out of that ridiculously blatant can if you plan on walking around a neighborhood with a large Mexican or Asian population. They’ll just assume you’re a racist bigot.

Read the full review on Caffeine Critic!

[Restaurant Review] Kringle’s Kafe’

If you were to guess what type of eatery Kringle’s was, chances are you’d assume they offered some type of seasonal meal options like honey ham, yams, green beans, fruit cake, and maybe even some type of pie. I mean, what else would you expect from a restaurant with such a vibrant Christmas theme?

Once you’re inside the illusion of a jolly winter holiday theme is pumped to the max, with seasonal decorations and paintings all over the place. There is even a giant tyrannical statue of Santa Claus himself, watching out over the dining room making sure all of the kids on his turf are behaving themselves, menacingly silent but always ready to pounce on his first unsuspecting victim.

Read the full review on DoesItHitTheSpot.com!

Introducing DIHTS.com, a New Site in the Everyview Network!

Many of you have noticed that we’ve began to expand our humble little site into a network of dedicated review sites. The process is slow, but we are steadily growing our frontier for reviews to multiple web sites. The first of these children sites Everyview produced is CaffeineCritic.com, a site dedicated to all things energy.

Now, let me introduce you to Does It Hit The Spot, the newest member of the Everyview Network. DoesItHitTheSpot.com (or DIHTS.com) is dedicated to all things food. Restaurants, snacks, recipes, meals and more will all have a review home at DIHTS, where we do our best to answer the question, Does It Hit The Spot?

Of course just like with Caffeine Critic, we will post blurbs and links from DIHTS right here on Everyview to ensure all of our readers stay connected to our growing family of sites.

[Restaurant Review] Schoop’s Hamburgers

I recently took a trip up to Michigan City with my lovely girlfriend Kimberlee Boland, and the first thing we did when we got to our crummy, disgusting, poorly lit, stiff-bedded, crappy showered, slightly stinky but extremely-cheap-so-it’s-to-be-expected hotel was worry about lunch. Right down the street from our Inn was a place called Schoop’s, and a burger sounded really, really good.

Upon walking into the diner-style building, we were struck with a vintage atmosphere. Posters and pictures of Shirley Temple and Elvis Presley, among other old time celebrities and culture icons, were plastered along the walls, antique car memorabilia was all over the place, and plenty of bubbly teenage waitresses were on hand. The red color scheme and old time rock and roll completed the illusion, bringing everything together into a charming little package.

Read the full review at Does It Hit The Spot!

[Energy Drink Review] Vital Energy (Tangerine)

One of the biggest problems with energy drinks is the fact that they dehydrate your body. Why do energy drink cause dehydration? Because caffeine is a minor diuretic, and tells your brain to move liquid from your kidneys to your urine stream, which also explains why you always have to pee so bad after downing a can of your favorite energy drink. Most people who use these drinks want energy for sporadic activities such as biking, jogging, and sports. Combine the systematic removal of liquid from your body through urine with sweating from strenuous activities, and it is easy to see why you become dehydrated from energy drinks.

Some drinks like Brawndo and a few others cancel this effect by adding electrolytes to help your body replenish what it loses, but the help isn’t as effective as what you’re going to find in Vital Energy. The front of the bottle says it all, it is composed primarily of water to keep you hydrated, caffeine for the burst of energy, and B vitamins, for similar reasons to caffeine.

But as an energy water, is it really effective enough to give that kick that energy addicts such as myself crave?

Read the full review on Caffeine Critic!

[Drink Review] Bolthouse Farms Mango Lemonade

Let me tell you how I came across this stuff.

I work in a grocery store, and I have the pleasure of meeting tons and tons of new and unique people all the time. Some are old, some are young. Some smile, some frown. Some are in shape and others ride scooters through the store, loading up on Diet Coke, frozen pizzas and Banquet Meals. However, the other day I met a lady that was an entirely unique individual.

It was a small order on a hot day, the heat index was about 104 degrees, and where I work we have to wear long black pants as part of our dress code, despite the fact that, as a bagger, I spend a few hours out of every shift pushing carts on a hot black top. Needless to say, I was sweaty. When this particular customer walked through my line, she had a bottle of Bolthouse Farms Mango Lemonade. I looked at it, coveting it with intense jealousy. I wanted this.

I told her how delicious it looked, how it looked like it would hit the spot, how intense my cart shifts were, and asked her how much it was. My plan was just to buy some on my break, but this customer had a different idea in mind. After hearing my gushing over her lemonade, she asked me a question. “What happened in 1066?” The answer to that question would be the only thing that stood between me and 32 oz of delicious Mango Lemonade.

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[Doubleshot TV Review] The Return of Futurama

Futurama, the moderately popular cult TV program, returned to the air last night after a seven year hiatus with two brand new episodes. Here are two separate, contrasting reviews of each program by Everyview Editor Casual Clay Cunningham and Editor-in-Cheif Zachariah Jedidiah Pritcher. Continue reading

[Energy Drink Review] …Lost: Cadillac

Thanks to the ridiculously pointless description on the back of the can, I know nothing about Cadi’s flavor. A peak at the ingredients yields “natural and artificial flavors,” which also tells me a whole lot of nothing. I have no idea what the flavor is supposed to be. This being true, I must rely entirely on my senses. A quick whiff from the nicely decorated green can projects a sweet, sour, and salty aroma, likely lime and a few other citrus flavors. It smells pretty good, if not a little on the salty side.

Read the full review on Caffeine Critic!

Sparkling Mixed Berry THiNQ Energy Drink Review on Caffeine Critic!

There are two kinds of energy lovers out there. The first type is the person who loves gaming, skating, free running, biking, staying up late, yelling, and moving a lot in general, all of the time. I am usually this kind of person (though I admit that I cannot skate or free run). The other side would be the person who has to wake up early for work, has an important job that pays well, maybe has a young family, fancy car, and enjoys feeling recharged and energized for the entire day. I will probably never have a decent job, fancy car, or family of my own.

Curious to know where this is headed? Check out the full review on CaffeineCritic.com!