Review: Starbucks Vanilla Energy+Coffee


So I’ve reviewed several of the Java Monster products and have complained about the lack of kick and how they all taste way too similar. That’s why I decided to pick up the vanilla flavored Starbucks Doubleshot Energy+Coffee this morning on my way to class. I wanted to see if Starbucks Doubleshot Energy can deliver where Java Monster’s don’t shine.

Straight from the can:

Your extra shot. Starbucks DoubleShot Energy+Coffee. A powerful, great-tasting brew of B vitamins, guarana, ginseng and natural proteins from milk. Charged up with coffee and vanilla. That extra surge to keep you energized and alert. Are you ready for more?

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Review: BAWLS Guarana


From the BAWLS website:

BAWLS Guarana started as the brainchild of a then college student who was looking for an alternative to coffee. As part of a class project, he came up with BAWLS – a premium, carbonated, non-alcoholic beverage made with Guarana. Named for the caffeinated ‘Bounce’ it gives you, BAWLS gets its flavor and kick from the Amazonian Guarana berry, which contains a natural form of caffeine nearly three times stronger than that found in traditional sodas.

Using the untapped potential of Guarana in the United States as a source for caffeine in soft drinks, BAWLS Guarana took off with surprising strength on November 14, 1996 in Miami, FL. People instantly fell in love with the refreshing, crisp taste of BAWLS, while being able to enjoy the rush of caffeine the drink packs.

Now on the market for nearly 12 years, BAWLS Guarana is available nationwide and its popularity continues to grow among caffeine-deprived, refreshment-seeking techies, students, professionals and athletes in need of a Bounce.

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PackRat Paragraphs: 1930’s Bullet Shot Glass Container

Anitque Bullet Shell Shotglass Container

During the Covered Bridge Festival, my lovely girlfriend Kim and I went shopping at a fine man named Whitey’s house. He had all kinds of random collectibles, weapons and neat stuff. One of the things I picked up from him was this antique bullet shot glass container. Stained with rust, blood, and well-aged whiskey remnants I knew this thing had to be mine. I’ve looked all over the internet for something like it and have found nothing. If anyone has any information on how much something like this might be worth, hit me up.

Click Read more for more pictures.

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Review: Full Throttle Fury

Full Throttle FuryOverview:

Straight from the can:

You’ve been there. Against the odds, you’ve found yourself in the home stretch-neck and neck with the other guy. Does he have what you have? The fury inside to go all the way? To never give up or let up? Se keep your fire burning by downing another Full Throttle Fury packed with 3,000 mg of the Full Throttle Energy Blend and a bold orange flavor. Because there’s only one choice…

Go Full Throttle or Go Home.

Let’s see how Full Throttle Fury stacks up to the competition.


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Review: Monster M-80

Monster M-80Overview:

Monster M-80 is another product from Monster Energy’s “Juice” lineup of drinks. I’ve already reviewed Khaos, which earned an impressive score of 8/10. Can the M-80 top it? Let’s find out.

Straight from the can:

The magical smells in the air driving to the Monster Energy Pipeline Pro Surf competition on the North Shore of Oahu was our inspiration for new Monster M-80. We started with a killer combo of local tropical juices, added in some original Monster flavor, then souped it up with a full load of our potent Monster Energy blend.


Monster M-80… another radical “Juice Monster” hybrid with explosive flavor and the big bad Monster buzz you know and love.

Let’s take a look at it, shall we?

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Review: Loca Moca Java Monster


I’m gonna keep this short and sweet. Java Monster’s Loca Moca blend plays out just like every other Java Monster product reviewed on this site. The same basic flavor, scent, amount of kick, and even can design. These products are starting to all fuzz together and taste almost exactly the same to me, only with minor differences.


Loca Moca tastes very similar to it’s Java cousins with one main difference. That variation is the addition of, as the name states, a rich chocolate flavor. Other than that, Moca has no major taste differences from Mean Bean or Big Black. The chocolate flavor might not even be noticeable to some, as it’s very discreet. The fact of the matter is, this drink is actually a little bit more bitter than it’s sister drinks.

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Retro-Review: Warheads

When I think about my childhood I often remember the sugary candies and
beverages that went along with it. Many come to mind and some of them I
still enjoy! Mountain Dew, Reese’s Cups, Snickers, and the occasional
piece of gum. Yet I still miss those long forgotten candies that made up
a good part of my diet in younger years. Sweet Starbursts, tangy Ring
Pops, Bazooka Joe bubble gum, the highly caffeinated Surge soda, Nerds,
Shocktarts, Air Heads… wait, that last one reminds me of something.
Something else with the word ‘head’ in it. Ahh, yes. Warheads! I used to
pop those little suckers 24/7. I could even open up the wrapper up in
my mouth (not as hard as the Starburst wrappers of course). It’s been so
long since I’ve had a Warhead that I can hardly remember what they taste
like. Hmm. Well any candy that has the word ‘Head’ in it must be good,
right? Was it sour? Was it sweet? Luckily I have just stumbled
upon one of these little candies and I’m going to see if they live up to
my memories.

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Review: Venom Energy Drink


Venom Energy drink is 7up/Dr. Pepper Inc.’s first adventure into the energy drink market. This is also the first product I’ve ever seen to come in what is basically an aluminum bottle. That’s right, this 16.9 oz supplement comes packaged in an aluminum container with a lid that is actually leagues above what the folks at Monster showed us with their Mega Monster supplement. Even better is that the can/bottle is very heavy, and since I recycle aluminum I’m gonna be rollin’ in the dough.

Straight from the can:
When you want to stay razor sharp, with the energy to strike first and leave your mark, you need the vicious Venom of a Black Mamba.

The Venom Potency Pack has a powerful dose of taurine, glucuronolactone, L-carnitine and guarana, giving it piercing energy that strikes back.

Wow… Piercing energy that strikes back. That’s metal!

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Review: Triple Steak Burrito


The triple steak burrito is a giant tortilla filled with three servings of perfectly seasoned, marinated steak with a covering of rice and cheese rolled to sloppy perfection. With three servings of steak there is no way this thing can be good for you. In fact, I would not recommend to people with heart problems or pregnant women, due to the fact that it could easily kill you or cause a miscarriage, respectively. That’s how delicious it is.

This is Taco Bell’s newest addition to their menu since the Volcano Taco, and it’s left me once again saying “Yo Quiero Taco Bell.”

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