Review: Amp Energy Lightning


Amp has been making a ton of new flavors and blends lately, and I decided to review them. So far I’ve done the original and Revive, and now Lightning. This drink is meant to, like lighting, strike fast with a quick surge of energy. It gives a great boost, but expect a crash shortly after.

Straight from the can:

Amp Energy Lightning. Charge up your intensity.

The power of Amp Energy plus Lemonade flavor and a specially formulated blend of L-Carnitine, Guarana and B-vitamins for an explosive energizing bolt.

Amp Energy Lightning. More power to YOU.

Wow, that’s intense!

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Review: Starbucks Cinnamon Dulce Energy+Coffee


A while back I reviewed that Vanilla blend of Starbucks’ Energy+Coffee DoubleShot line of drinks. The drink scored high with wonderful aroma and rich flavor, but got an unjustly low (I’ll explain that in the review) score in value, which ultimately lowered it’s score a little bit. I recently got my hands on the newest flavor of DoubleShot Energy+Coffee, Cinnamon Dulce, and it’s delicious.

Straight from the can:

Your extra shot, Latin style. Starbucks DoubleShot Energy+Coffee Cinnamon Dulce. A mighty brew inspired by traditional Latino beverages. A bit of coffee, vanilla, cinnamon and spice, supercharged with B vitamins, guaran and ginseng to keep you going. Are you ready for more?

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Review: Rip It Citrus X


A short while ago I reviewed a product called Rip It, an impressive 99 cent energy supplement which excelled in all criteria and walked away scoring a respectable 8.25/10. Today I’m reviewing Rip It Citrus X, an orange flavored variation of the original. Does Citrus X impress as much as the original, or is it simply a waste of a buck?

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Review: Amp Energy Drink


A while back I posted a review of Amp Revive, a decent orange flavored spin-off of the original. Which I never reviewed. Until now. You may have noticed  I tend to have this problem with reviewing things out of order as I did with the Speedway branded Shockwave drinks. Oh well, get used to it.

Anyway, Amp is basically Mountain Dew on crack. Or that’s what it was originally meant to be, at least. Now the only reason the Mountain Dew logo is on the can is for brand recognition. People see the words Mountain and Dew, realize they love Mountain Dew, then pick a can of this up. I’m not sure why they keep doing it, but they fall for it time after time.

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Review: Deton8 Energy Drink


Deton8 is really the most generic energy drink I’ve ever had. It’s a Kroger brand, which isn’t surprising since the grocery store chain has it’s own brand for almost every product it carries. Most Kroger brand products are just as good as what they sit next to on the shelf, but this is an exception.

Everything about it is average and generic in every way. But it is possible for something to do the generic thing well and still have an impressive product. Deton8 doesn’t do that and is nothing more than generic.

So for a generic drink I present a generic review. Enjoy!

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Review: Vojo Extreme Citrus Energy Mints


Vojo Extreme energy mintsEnergy drinks can make your breath smell really bad. Especially the energy coffees. So when you’ve just downed that can of Java Monster and you have that atrocious coffee breath, you’re gonna want some mints. But you don’t want just any old mints, no. You want mints that’ll fill your veins with even more caffeine!

Now if that’s the case the there are plenty of delicious options out there. Anything with the word Jolt on it is usually pretty good, BAWLS mints are decent, Ice Breakers Energy are the best I’ve had, and so on. Vojo Extreme Energy Mints are not one of those delicious options I just mentioned. In fact, these are a prime example of the kind of caffeinated candies you want to stay away from. Click Read More to find out why.

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Review: Shockwave Energy


Last week I wrote a review of the Speedway exclusive energy drink, Shockwave Mango Energy Juice. Today I’m back with a review of of the original flavor, Shockwave Energy.

While I was impressed with the overall taste and quality of the Mango blend, I noted significant lack of kick and originality as being major factors to work against the otherwise impressive beverage. Does the original flavor get right all the things its off-spin missed?

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Review: Java Monster Russian


Coffee,  while it is a good drink, has many drawbacks which many users of the substance find irritating.  For one, it is often hot and spillage can lead to burns and other problems that can arise from handling hot fluids.  Coffee is most normally drank in a mug or thermos type container. The mugs are normally decorated with small sayings or phrases like “World’s best Dad” and other debatable facts which can lead to awkward social situations at home and in the office.

And the biggest problem is probably the brewing and mixing of the coffee, which can take considerable amounts of time which could otherwise be spent being more productive at work or spending valuable time with the family.  The scientists at the Monsters headquarters took all these problems seriously and came up with an innovative solution.  By putting coffee in a can + Energy, you have a delicious drink that you can take anywhere without all the safety hazards of regular coffee, and it gives you so much more time for productive activities!

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Review: ShockWave Mango Energy Juice

Shockwave MangoOverview:

Shockwave is a Speedway exclusive product that attempts to be a cheaper alternative to your standard name brand energy juices that have recently become a craze due to the fact that they are far more healthy, and they are usually pretty good tasting to boot. We have had some pretty bad experiences with trying new drinks, though. Remember Gazzu? What about Neuro Fuel? Due to drinks like those, superior lesser-known products like Punch and Rip It often get ignored by consumers.

Is Shockwave another urine flavored waste of cash, or does it truly deserve your hard earned cash? Let’s check it out.

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PackRat Paragraphs: Flask Belt Buckle

I was at the mall the other day looking for some new belt buckles to add to my awesome collection and stumbled upon two that I found to be absolutely amazing. The first one is the one listed here, and the other, way cooler buckle will be the feature of next week’s PackRat Paragraphs.

Flask Belt Buckle

Yeah, it’s a freakin’ flask for a belt buckle. Well, the buckle itself is actually just a slot for the flask, that way you don’t have to take your belt off and risk losing your pants just for a drink. It only holds about a shot of… apple juice anyway which renders it no more than a mere novelty, but it’s a totally awesome novelty.  There were other, bigger flask buckles as well but this one was on clearance for 5 bucks as opposed to 20 and it does the same job. It’s held into place with two magnets on the bottom of the holder so you don’t have to worry about losing it.

Click Read More to see more pictures of it.

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