Review: Grande Quesadilla


tacobell-grande-quesadillaWho doesn’t love Taco Bell’s Quesadillas? Delicious cheese melted over your choice of juicy chicken or marinated steak, topped with a deliciously spicy sauce that perfectly compliments the already wonderfully seasoned delicacy and folded in a warm, tender tortilla. Delicious. And when something tickles your fancy, it’s never bad to have a bigger version. Right? Right.

Unless we’re talking about Taco Bell’s Grande Quesadilla. It’s kind of sad how something that should, in proper accordance with the laws of physics, be far superior when you add mass. However, for whatever stupid reason Taco Bell decided to change the it’s stellar Quesadilla formula when upgrading to a bigger size. I’ll explain more in the review.

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Review: Beefy 5-Layer Nachos


beefy-5-layer-nachosLoyal readers know I’m a huge fan of Taco Bell’s value menu and with the new 5 and 7-Layer (review soon) nachos there’s even more reason to love value. The 5-Layer nachos are released to the menu as an enhanced version of the already available Triple Layer nachos, which consist of beans, cheese sauce, and red sauce. The 5-Layer nachos adds a three cheese blend of schredded cheese and a scoop of seasoned beef for only 89 cents.

But like all good Taco Bell items (I’m looking at you Volcano Taco and Triple Steak) this is only available for a limited time, so hurry up and read this review and then get your ass out there for some quality time with these nachos. They’ve only got a short time to live.

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Contest: Starbucks DoubleShot Energy+Coffee

starbucks-logoThat’s right, we’ve grown enough to be trusted by a company like Starbucks with a promotional contest. And since this is our first contest, we’ve decided to keep things simple. All you have to do is go out and get a can of Mocha Starbucks DoubleShot Energy+Coffee, drink it, and write a review for it using our reviews as an outline of sorts. Whoever writes the best review will have the honor of getting their work published on Everyview.

What a lame prize, right? Well that’s not all you get. Besides the fame of nearly 300 people a day seeing your name and reading your opinion you get an awesome package including the entire lineup of Starbucks Energy+Coffee and an awesome USB powered drink warming/cooling pad to make sure your coffee is always at the perfect temperature.

For a list of rules click ‘Read More’

Review: Java Monster Irish Blend


The Irish blend of Java Monster is a unique breed. Like the formerly reviewed Russian, Irish is essentially meant to be a non-alcoholic recreation of your favorite foreign liquor with a shot of Java Monster for extra flavor. The Russian, for instance, was essentially a virgin White Russian, and the Irish blend is, obviously, a virgin Irish Creme. Think Bailey’s. Without the booze.

Awesome? Let’s find out.

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Poll Results: What’s Your Favorite Monster Flavor?

Hey guys, it’s been a while since our first poll but I finally got another one up and just like that it’s time to take it back down again. I stopped the poll this morning when I saw we had 104 votes which is a pretty solid number and gives a pretty stable idea of how many people like what flavor of Monster Energy. So let’s see what we’ve got.

  • Original- 42 votes
  • Any of the Java Monsters- 19 votes
  • Khaos- 13 votes
  • Assault- 13 votes
  • M-80- 10 votes
  • Mixxd- 4 votes
  • Hitman- 3 votes

The original blend, unsurprisingly, led the pack by a large margin. What did surprise me, however, is that some people actually consider the horrible Mixxd flavor to be their favorite. These people obviously also fall into the category of sexual sadist, and love bleeding while making love. Sick bastards.

Anyway, a new post will be up soon enough. Maybe tomorrow maybe not. But until then, keep reading Everyview!

Review: Angry Whopper

It looks nothing like the picture

It looks nothing like the picture


What is the Angry Whopper? Well, run down to Burger King, order a single whopper, sleep with it’s mom and spit on it’s shoes, and BAM! You’ve got yourself one Angry Whopper. Or, you could order a pre-aggitated Whopper while your at BK and save yourself some time.

The Angry Whopper is a spicier version of the popular Whopper hamburger which many people tend to prefer over the Big Mac or Quarter Pounder, as is one of BK’s major selling points. It has a bunch of new ingredients thrown on top to give it a spicy kick. Possibly inspired by the Volcano Taco, the Angry Whopper is made to satisfy the taste-buds of those who love a spiced up meal.

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What I Would do to try DQ’s Sweet Deals for Free…

DQ8Q3063R_FriesRings_Coke_regtop3Here at Everyview, we love us some Ice Cream and Onion Rings. Especially Onion Ring Ice Cream. And in celebration of Dariy Queen’s new value menu they posted on their blog asking bloggers to blog about DQ with a link back to their blog. Blog blog blog. Too many blogs. But! The first 250 bloggers to blog get to try some of the items on the value menu free.

Well what do we do here at Everyview? We review everything! So what would we do with free Dairy Queen? Eat it! And then forget what it tasted like when we went to review it, so then we’d have to buy it! And then review it! Awesome!

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Review: Amp Energy Focus


Earlier this week we reviewed Lightning, a drink with disappointing attributes all around yet provided a monstrous kick that was, admittedly, short lived and followed by a mild crash. Now we’ve got yet another new flavor from Amp, Focus. The drink’s flavor is Blast of Mixed Berry which sounds delicious. But Lightning’s lemonade flavoring also got us excited just to turn out tart, bitter, and artificial. Does Focus prove to be an Amp product finally worth buying or does it slip into mediocrity with most of its sister drinks?

Straight from the can:

Bring your mind to a whole new level to keep connected, focused, and alert. Sharpen your game – The power of Amp Energy with a Blast of Mixed Berry and a kick of L-Theanine.

Sounds promising, but what the hell is L-Theanine?

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Review: BK Burger Shots


Do you like eating Burger King’s flame broiled burgers even when you’re not hungry? Do you wish you could just get a little itty bitty couple of burgers for a couple of bucks so you don’t have to waste any munch or cash? Then you’ll absolutely love BK’s new Burger Shots. They’re exactly what I described above. Tiny little BK flame broiled burgers you can take on the go or eat as just a small snack whenever you want. But are they good? Read on hungry reader, read on.

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Review: Starbucks Energy+Coffee DoubleShot


So far I’ve reviewed the vanilla and exquisite cinnamon dulce blends of Starbucks’ popular lineup of DoubleShot Energy+Coffee products. I figured I might as well review the original flavor before moving on to the last blend. Like I’ve stated several times before. I love doing things out of order.

The original blend, simply labeled Coffee, is most akin to Java Monster’s Big Black/Originale (they’re the same thing. There was a name change or something) but is also very different. Superior, even. This is a product from Starbucks, afterall.

Straight from the can:

Your extra Shot. Starbucks DoubleShot Energy+Coffee. A powerful, great-tasting brew of B vitamins, guarana, ginseng and natural proteins from milk. Charged up with premium coffee. That extra surge to keep you energized and alert. Are you ready for more?

I’m totally ready for more.

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