Review: J&D’s Bacon Salt (Original Flavor)


Everything should taste like bacon. That’s why one of the world’s most ingenious ideas came to fruition in 2007 and is now one of the most sought after spices in America, likely due to our love of eating. That idea, of course, was Bacon Salt. Justin and Dave, both bacon fanatics, concocted a spice so amazing that it has spread across the internet and America like wildfire. They pitched the idea to a few different people while on a business trip and, needless to say, they loved it. Is Bacon Salt really as good as everyone claims it to be? Well, read on to find out.

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(Review) Venom Energy: Death Adder


Since its introduction to the market, Venom Energy Drink has grown into a respectable and worthy contender in the race for energy drink supremacy. They very quickly went from being a 3rd party underdog to heavy hitter and, building on the success of the original and lo-carb flavors is the new Death Adder, a sparkling punch flavored energy drink.

Straight from the can:

When you want piercing energy and instinctively quick reflexes, you need the cold-blooded Venom of the Death Adder, delivered in a fruit punch strike.

The Venom Potency Pack has a powerful does of taurine, glucuronolactone, L-carnitine and guarana, giving it piercing energy that strikes back.

Try saying glucuronolactone out loud with out sounding like an idiot.

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Review: Doritos Late Night Tacos at Midnight


You know how usually when you grab a bag of Taco flavored chips, they don’t really taste like tacos? Instead they possess a flavor that has been established as the official artificial taco flavor for potato-based snacks? Well those days are over, my friends, and it’s all thanks to Doritos.

The new Late Night Tacos at Midnight flavored Doritos are pure evolution in the most evolutionary manner possible. No longer must we settle for tortilla chips that claim to be the flavor of authentic Mexican cuisine. No longer must we take the lies fed to us in the form of salt and artificial seasoning on top of a corn chip. We now have something to believe in, the future of all snacking. Ladies and gentlemen, this is evolution in the works.

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Retro Review: Valomilk Candy Cups


Have you ever noticed some of the best things around start out as accidents? Potato chips, beer, Popsicles and myself are some of the more notable ones, but now we have another one to add to the list of accidents that resulted in something amazing. Valomilk Candy Cups, invented in 1931, were a total mistake. It took the genius and innovative mind of Henry Sifers to put a ruined batch of marshmallow to work and make a totally delicious candy treat that were enjoyed for half a century before, sadly, being shut down and yanked away from candy lovers throughout the country.

But thankfully the Sifers family reacquired the original equipment used to manufacture the delicious candies that left a trail on everyone’s face and began production again. Even in today’s high tech world Valomilk is made completely by hand which produces a delicious candy that focuses on quality over quantity. A real treat.

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Review: …Lost Energy Drink


Lost Enterprises is actually a surf board company, which may surprise some since they’ve churned out several stellar drinks. But don’t be fooled my friends, Lost didn’t achieve its reputation of producing delicious energy drinks on its own. The folks over at Monster were actually the ones who concocted this killer series of drinks, which easily explains everything from the original flavor and sensational aroma to the powerful kick.

Straight from the can:

From the garages of San Clemente in Southern California, where you can surf, skate and snowboard in the same day, came …Lost Enterprises. Lost grew into a super mega multi-conglomerate corporation and in our pathological obsession of global domination, we decided to formulate a drink to hypnotize the minds of the masses… Actually, that’s not true. If you’re gonna surf, skate and snowboard all in the same day, you’ll need some energy to go out and party afterwards. Most energy drinks suck, so we had the crew at MONSTER make us one that actually works, tastes good and mixes even better. …Lost Energy Drink, a bad influence from …Lost Enterprises.

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Review: Mocha Starbucks DoubleShot Energy+Coffee


The following review is the work of Ryan, site administrator over at This entry was the winner in our Starbucks Contest, so make sure you congratulate him and check out his site!


I’ll admit, I’m not much of a coffee drinker or an energy drink kind of person.  I have dabbled from time to time but I’m definitely no expert.  I find that energy drinks that I’ve had in the past do help in boosting my alertness but I’ve never been a fan of the taste.  I feel as though energy drinks place me in some alternate universe where I’m Mega Man….half machine, half boy and I’m fueling up my power cells in order to defeat Dr. Wiley.  If you’re confused, please forgive my geeky early-1990’s Nintendo mascot references.  The bottom line is this, I am rarely compelled enough to try cold coffee or energy drinks.  I felt that this Everyview/Starbucks contest was a good chance for me to get out of my box and try something new.  The Starbucks DoubleShot Energy+Coffee drink may make me a believer in the endless array of energy drinks that occupy my local convenient store fridges.  I stayed up late and woke up early to put this drink to the test.

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And the Starbucks Contest Winner is…

starbucks-logo1We received many entries for our Starbucks Contest, many of which had to be disqualified for various reasons. There were still a few left, but at the end one entry stood out among the rest as the clear winner.

Ryan, site administrator over at, a great site for food reviews and is immediately receiving a spot on our BlogRoll, entered a review that met all of the criteria and regulations and also managed to be entertaining and informative. Congratulations Ryan, thanks a lot for you entry! Your prize will be on it’s way soon, hope you enjoy it.

As for everyone else, thanks for entering and look out for any contests we may hold in the near future. Thanks for all your support, and as always, keep reading Everyview!

Starbucks Contest Almost Over, Get Your Entries In!

Hey guys, just stopping by to remind everyone that our Starbucks Contest comes to an end at midnight tomorrow so get out there and grab a can of Mocha Starbucks DoubleShot Energy+Coffee, love it, write a review, send it in, and WIN! If you’re good, that is.

If you need a refresher, use the link above or the picture on the top of the left sidebar to get to the rules page. Make sure you follow those rules. I’ve had to disqualify a lot of people for thinking they can sneak in cheap shots trying to win the totally awesome prize, but it isn’t going to work.

Anyway, good luck guys, I can’t way to see what some of you come up with! And as always, keep reading Everyview!

Review: Power Horse Energy Drink


Power Horse Energy Drink is best known for its role in the 2008 assassin film Wanted. Like Brawndo, it’s another energy drink you know from a film but probably had no idea existed in reality, so I’m here to tell you all about it. And like Brawndo, you very likely won’t find it in stores but I’ve got the hook up. While it’s true the people behind Power Horse didn’t send me samples to review, my good buddy Mike Bricker recently ordered a case off the internet and was kind enough to give me a can for review. *Internet Hug*

So does Power Horse prove to be an energy drink worth your hard earned cash or is it just a worthless novelty drink from Austria? Yeah, Austria.

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Review: Health Energy Potion


Health Potion is from the same company that brought you Mana, the original Energy Shot meant to look like it came straight out of a video game, which is an idea I love. Combining two of the greatest inventions of all time into one is always a good idea. Well, almost. Anyway, Health Potion uses a unique blend of herbs and ditches the overused Berry or Citrus flavors often found in energy shots for a Cinnamon Apple taste.

Oh, and it replenishes 160 HP.

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