[Energy Drink Review] Nitrous Monster: Killer-B


Killer-B is the only flavor of Nitrous Monster with a name that I understand. The can is decorated with a honeycomb design, it’s called Killer-B, it is obviously honey flavored. Knowing this when leaning in to take a first whiff, I was almost taken aback when I actually picked up the aroma. It is absolutely nothing like I had expected. Instead of smelling powerfully sweet and primarily of honey, like I had expected, I was treated to a rather delicious light, aromatic aroma that reminded me of a crisp tea flavored lightly with honey. Very delicious, but definitely not what I was expecting. Continue reading

[Energy Drink Review] Nitrous Monster: Super Dry


Popping the cap off of the can of Super Dry, you will be immediately met with an absolutely delicious aroma. And I mean it is fantastic. Perfect. And I’m not kidding. Super Dry is the first product I’ve ever reviewed that scores a perfect 10 in the aroma department. It’s a strong lime scent with a perfect balance between sweet and sour. After opening a can of Super Dry, I literally put my nose inside of the opening to breath for the next several minutes. It is really unbelievably delicious, and I often times buy this flavor just for the scent. Continue reading

[Energy Drink Review] X-Presso Monster: Hammer

xpressomonsterhammerStraight from the Can:

All over Europe they’ve got these cool little coffee shops that serve killer espresso with creamy foam on top. Our madman in R&D figured out how to get that same smooth texture by injecting potent imported espresso with Nitrous Oxide. The we up’d the ante by adding out “tried and true” Monster energy blend.

X-PRESSO MONSTER has a rich creamy texture, imported espresso flavor, and a Monster buzz that just won’t quit. Made in Holland but only available in the USA. What a country…

X-Press yourself!

Nitrous Oxide in an energy coffee? Sounds interesting. Continue reading

[Food Review] Volcano Nachos

Volcano Nachos tempOverview:

The Volcano Menu has recently began to feel stale for me. I’ve eaten countless Volcano Tacos and refuse to meet Taco Bell’s price demands with the Volcano Burrito unless it’s on a special occasion (happy anniversary, honey), and the magic was just starting to fade. Then lo and behold I receive an email from Everyview reader Troy, who runs the stellar energy drink review site edjunkie.com, informing me of the Volcano Nachos. This surprised me because I had been waiting for that Volcano Crunchwrap our friends over at Grub Grade had predicted. Still, I decided to check into it as soon as possible to see what the Volcano Menu had in store for me.

I’ve ordered them, eaten them, and my bowels violently rejected them, so the only thing that’s left is to review them. Ladies and gentlemen, it’s review time. Continue reading

[Energy Drink Review] Syzmo Organic Energy Drink


Syzmo Organic Energy DrinkI’m going to go ahead and be honest with you guys. I usually refuse to taste anything with a label of “Organic” since I had a terribly frightful experience with organic peanut butter. I don’t really want to go into it here, but let’s just say that there was lots of blood, tears, and a great loss of dignity involved.

Organic things just usually suck. I’m not saying all organic products are the pits, but the majority of them are absolutely disgusting when sat next to their chemical-enriched counterparts. And if anything has the potential to go horribly wrong by becoming organic it’s energy drinks. And peanut butter. So much blood… Continue reading

[Energy Drink Review] Die Hard Sports Energy

Die Hard Energy DrinkOverview:

Sports/Energy Drink hybrid products are certainly nothing new. The trend was started with Brawndo: The Thirst Mutilator, which was actually the very first sports energy drink on the market. Since its release there have been more and more of these hybrids that are designed to deliver a decent kick while keeping your body hydrated for strenuous exercise, something that standard energy drinks can’t do.

Straight from the can:

Scientifically formulated to deliver effective hydration, responsible energy and natural flavors to ensure optimum performance before, during and after physical activity.

Responsible energy? Sounds boring. Continue reading

[Energy Drink Review] Stacker 2 YJ Stinger Sinful Citrus


stacker2yjstingersinfulcitrusThe YJ Stinger brand is pretty close to being deceased, and for good reason. Though its lame TV advertisements featuring pro wrestlers helped it become one of the first mainstream energy drinks, it quickly fell off of consumer radars due to its inaccessibility.

The drink was released in four flavors, all of which failed on the market. The Sinful Citrus flavor has the reputation for being the best, though, so I figured this would be the least painful flavor to try.

But the experience was still pretty painful. Continue reading

[Energy Drink Review] Awake: Good Morning Energy


We all know mornings are very important and that they shape the rest of your day. A day that starts with a good morning will almost always end with a good night. But if you wake up groggy and grumpy, stump your foot on the dresser, burn your toast, cut yourself shaving, lose a sock, and forget to brush your teeth, your day will likely end by finding out that you have syphilis. Continue reading

[Contest Results] Butterfinger Buzz Winners

butterfingerbuzzlogoI know the suspense has been killing everyone who enetered in our Butterfinger Buzz giveaway, and the day has finally come to announce the winners! As promised, seven lucky readers have been chosen at random to receive the caffeinated delicacy known as the Butterfinger Buzz.

But enough jibber jabber, let’s announce the winners!

  1. Chuck
  2. Brain
  3. Ryan
  4. Kaitis
  5. James Haviland
  6. Bear Silber
  7. Zach Solomon-Beloin

There we have it, congratulations to everyone who won! You should receive an email before the day is out asking for more info so we can get your caffeinated candy to you. Enjoy having your heart explode, you’ve earned it! Hopefully your prizes don’t get lost and end up in Cambodia. Ryan knows what I’m talking about 😉