[Energy Shot Review] Mr. Energy 8-Hour Shot


8hourshotWhen it comes to energy shots, five hours is usually the accepted amount of time a boost should last. But why? Work shifts aren’t five hours. School days aren’t five hours. Why settle for around half of what you want when there is a product out there that can give you exactly what you need.

Ladies and gentlemen, the 8-Hour Energy Shot, formulated to last all day long with no traceable crash. Can this little bottle really deliver on such huge promises? We’re about to find out, because it’s review time! Continue reading

[Food & Drink Review] MolliCoolz! Shakers: Vanilla, Strawberry, Chocolate, and Cookies & Cream


mollicoolzWho doesn’t love a good milkshake? Unfortunately for everyone, however, there are several things usually required to get your hands on a delicious, creamy shake. Moving, for instance, is one that many Americans frown upon. No one wants to get in the car and drive to Dairy Queen or walk back and forth from the freezer to their blender to create a homemade milkshake, no sir, not in 2009. The future is now.

That’s where MolliCoolz! Shakers come into play. A little plastic cup containing some kind of brilliant technology that allows users to create delicious milkshakes by adding milk and shaking. Yes there still is a little effort involved, but at least it only takes 30 seconds of sweating and heavy breathing to create a delightful treat. Drink up, all that shaking is exhausting! Continue reading

[Food & Drink News] Krystal Giving Away Coupons for a Free Krystal Blitz Energy Drink

Krystal, the popular Southern fast food restaurant chain, has recently announced that it will be serving an energy drink called Blitz. Available at all Krystal restaurants, Blitz is served either on the rocks or frozen, $1.99 or $2.49 respectively.

For those of you who reside in the South, head on over the the Blitz Website and print off a coupon for a free energy drink, served whichever way you want. And check out their series of animated sketch ads, they are fairly entertaining.

[Energy Drink Review] Turn Left


Energy drinks are supposed to make you move fast. Cars move fast. Especially race cars. Race cars usually only turn left. Get it? That is where this drink got it’s name. But if you think that’s stupid, then you should hear the drink’s slogan: “Turn Left Twice and Turn Your Day Around.” Continue reading

[Energy Drink Review] Stacker 2 YJ Stinger: Enraged Raspberry


stacker2yjstingerenragedraspberryThis has been sitting in my fridge for about three weeks now, and I’m still pretty reluctant to try it. I bought this at the same time as Sinful Citrus, and have been terrified to open the can ever since. But I’ve now got about 20 energy drinks sitting on my floor just waiting to be reviewed, so I figured I would go ahead and get this one out of the way. Continue reading

[Energy Drink Review] G Pure Energy: Lulo Lime (Zero Calories)


Some of the greatest things you’ll ever do in your life are natural. Nudity is the first thing that comes to my mind, but some people think that having a natural and healthy diet and lifestyle can be the most rewarding thing out there. They’ve obviously never ran through the public park naked.

So for those of you who are afraid to tear off your boxers and show off what your momma (or God, depending on your religious views) gave you, there are drinks like G Pure Energy, a zero calorie energy drink that is formulated to give you a kick in the pants (unless you don’t wear pants, like myself) without the diabetes.

Can G Pure Energy: Lulo Lime really feel more natural than nudity? No, but at least it won’t get you arrested. Continue reading

[Energy Drink Review] Guru Juicy: Tangerine


I’ve had some pretty bad experiences with organic energy drinks. I’ve also had some very bearable experiences with organic energy drinks. I can’t honestly say, sadly, that I’ve ever had a good or enjoyable experience with an organic energy drink.

So given my past experiences with organic drinks I was approaching this beverage expecting the worst but hoping for something that wouldn’t suck. Honestly, my expectations for Guru were much higher than with any other organic drink I’ve had thanks to the brand’s reputation for making decent drinks.

It’s review time! Continue reading

[Energy Drink Review] Nitrous Monsters



Monster has been a leader in its industry for as long as I’ve had an interest in energy drinks. They have managed to attain their high status by constantly mastering every new innovation the industry sees. Java Monster, Juice Monster, Monster Hitman–Every time a new form of energy drink comes out, Monster is right there perfecting it and creating top-notch products.

But lately Monster has been the industry’s lead innovator as well. Things started off with Monster Import and its brilliant new resealable can design, an innovation that proved worthy of the hype. And now Monster is introducing Nitrous Monsters, the first energy drinks ever to be nitrogenated.

The hype surrounding this new line of drinks is pretty hot, but does the end product manage to live up to everyone’s expectations?

Straight from the can:

Nitrous Oxide makes your car faster at the Drags, but put in a drink? Call us crazy, but we combined Nitrous Oxide with Carbon Dioxide in a precise ratio and injected it into our potent Monster Energy base. Nitrous Monster has a unique texture, smooth drinkable flavor and buzz that’s bigger than ever.

This is no “Whip-It”, but it will whip you good…

Continue reading

[Energy Drink Review] Nitrous Monster: Anti Gravity


Anti Gravity has a powerfully fruity aroma that tickles your nostrils and gets your mouth watering in anticipation. The scent is clearly pineapple, possibly with a little mango and citrus undertones, but I’m not sure. The aroma seems very natural, with little chemical help to achieve the lovely pineapple aroma. But while the scent is delicious, it strongly reminds me of several other drinks on the market, primarily Monster’s own M-80. Continue reading