[Energy Drink Review] Sport Energy: Fruit Punch

sport fruit punch energy drink

Popping to tab on my can of the Fruit Punch flavor of Sport Energy, I noticed a powerfully sweet and absolutely appetizing aroma lingering from the can. Obviously artificial but not overpoweringly so, the sugary scent serves as a good sign of things to come. I was initially scared this would be another terrible drink that I regret pouring into my body, but things are looking up so far.

The first sip yielded a pleasant flavor, artificially flavored but sweetened with real sugar. It made be think of a carbonated Hawaiian Punch more than anything, which is to be expected. The carbonation level is a little high, but after the drink breathes for a few moments it subsides and becomes much more refreshing and drinkable. The only problem I really have with Sport is that it feels really heavy on my stomach, so I couldn’t imagine how it would work for someone trying to use it as a sports drink. Continue reading

[Energy Review] Encaff Energy Stix (Black Cherry Flavor)

encaffenergystixEveryview has seen a pretty wide variety of Energy products. Energy drinks, energy shots, energy powders, energy patches, energy chocolate, energy mints, and now Energy Stix. The self-proclaimed Next Generation of Energy bares a lot in common with an Energy Powder drink mix, but it completely eliminates the need for mixing with any substance, and is instead consumed simply by pouring it directly onto your tongue. Think of it as a caffeinated, energizing Pixie Stick.

Sounds pretty neat, huh? Let’s see how this concept performs in execution.

When ripping the top off of my first packet, my nose was met with a sweet, though heavily artificial fruity sensation. Very reminiscent of Kool-Aid, the aroma quickly got my mouth to water. Still, scents can be very deceiving so I decided to proceed with caution. Continue reading

Her First White Castle

I’m a huge fan of any internet video containing the words “Her First” followed by the phrase “Insert explicit and offsetting sexual activity here.” I also love White Castle. Pairing these two interests together, I decided it was time to make my own “Her First Time” video, only without the blood, moaning and depletion of pride generally associated with this genre of film making.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I present “Her First White Castle Slyder,” starring Zac Pritcher (me!) and Amanda Wallace.

[Energy Drink News] Get BAWLS Everywhere!

You know what really sucks? Cancer, war, tooth decay, crooked cops, murderers, Rush Limbaugh, rapists, preteen pregnancy, socks with holes in them, underwear that ride high, pollution, getting stung by bees, stubbing your toe, losing stuff, homework, flat tires, having an owl run into your face, your grandma dying, terrorists, getting hit by a car, AIDS, accidentally killing that hooker in Taiwan, underage kids who smoke, drug-induced deaths, dropping your keys in human feces, gaining weight, and spontaneous combustion.

You know what sucks even more? For some reason, BAWLS Energy Drink isn’t readily available across our entire nation. There are deprived people out there who have never even had the chance to sample a bottle of the bubbly, energizing beverage. Thankfully, if you sign a petition to get BAWLS available everywhere, you can do your part to put an end to all of the aforementioned things that suck!!*

So what are you waiting for? Sign the petition by following this link!

* Signing this petition will not end the following: Cancer, war, tooth decay, crooked cops, murderers, Rush Limbaugh, rapists, preteen pregnancy, socks with holes in them, underwear that ride high, pollution, getting stung by bees, stubbing your toe, losing stuff, homework, flat tires, having an owl run into your face, you grandma dying, terrorists, getting hit by a car, AIDS, accidentally killing that hooker in Taiwan, underage kids who smoke, drug-induced deaths, dropping your keys in human feces, gaining weight, or spontaneous combustion. But it will help get BAWLS available everywhere!

[Food Review] The Big Hardee From Hardee’s

When I reviewed the ho-hum Fried Bologna Biscuit from Hardee’s, I talked a little bit about a sandwich called the Big Carl. For those of you who don’t know, a chain of burger joints called Carl’s Jr. is owned by the same company behind Hardee’s. It was Carl’s that first revealed a sandwich called the Big Carl, whose major selling point was the inclusion of more meat and more cheese than a Big Mac from McDonald’s, only for less money.

Burger lovers without access to a Carl’s Jr. can rejoice, because Hardee’s is finally offering a similar burger, dubbed the Big Hardee. There are some key differences to the two burgers, such as the Big Hardee offering three patties of meat where the Big Carl provides eaters with two slightly larger patties. Continue reading

The Five Worst Halloween Treats

It’s October, one of the greatest months of the year. Everything starts to calm down from the summer, but we haven’t yet hit the rush of the holiday season just yet. Also, Halloween! It’s the one holiday that, every year, children plan in advance for. Their costume, their route, what candy they want. It’s also an awful night to deliver pizza on, because you are nearly involved in almost seventeen vehicle/pedestrian collisions. So I thought for this month I would compile a few top 5 lists that are related to our favorite spooky holiday. Continue reading

[Energy Drink News] Monster Preparing to Launch New Site, Preview it Now!

I just got an email from the folks over at Monster Energy with information about their new site. Here’s a snippet from said email:

Listen up Monster people!  We’ve got some exciting news that you’re gonna want to hear!

The MonsterEnergy.com site is getting ready to launch with its new kickass redesign and YOU get first crack at this bad boy!

The new site is going to blow you away with all these new community features that will allow you to post pics, watch athlete videos, comment on things, and rate what you think is hot or not.  You’ll find everything you ever needed to know on your favorite X-athletes, rockin’ bands, smokin’ hot Monster girls, and the coolest events around town.

To go with the new awesome site though, you’ll need a new MonsterEnergy.com username and password to match.  Unfortunately your existing username and password will not access the new site.  But, now would be a good-time as any to say good-bye to NiceGuy123 and say hello to MonsterBallz311!

The new site actually looks pretty good. There is also a mixology section that teaches you how to make alcoholic drinks like Skinny Bitch, Cherry Popper, and Monster Orgasm. I think they should also make recipes for drinks called Date Rape, Murder Rape, and just plain Rape.

Anyway, check out a preview of the new site right here.

[Energy Drink Review] Steaz Energy: Orange

steaz tempAs we all know, organic energy drinks are usually disgusting. There’s just something about being filled with enough chemicals to kill a rhino that makes energy drinks so appealing in the first place. The chemicals are often necessary for an energy drink to be good. They either cover up all the bad tastes or simply paralyze your tongue so that you can’t taste them.

Steaz is different, though. This is the first Organic Energy Drink I’ve ever drank that I actually enjoy drinking.

When opening the can, however, first impressions are weak. The aroma that strikes is an earthy, dirty tea scent that is every so slightly reminiscent of that God-awful Black Jack Gunpowder Green Tea crap I reviewed a while back. Thankfully, though, there is a pleasant Orange undertone added that does a decent job of bring in whole package together. It may not smell great, but it’s pretty good for an organic tea-based energy drink. Continue reading

Spot On Energy Patch Contest Winners!

I’m sure that everyone who entered our Spot On Energy Patch contest is bleeding from their pores with anticipation to find out if they won or not, but it’s finally time to put all the suffering to an end. Without further delay, I present to you, the Everyview reader, the five winners of our random drawing.

  • Paul Prince
  • Ian Neal
  • Josh Mc
  • Erin Brooks
  • Susie

Congratulations to the five winners, an email will be sent to you shortly. Remember, you only have 48 hours to respond with shipping information!

To everyone else who entered, better luck next time! There’s no telling what other awesome stuff we’ll be giving away in the future, so as always, keep reading Everyview!

Special thanks to Spot On for sponsoring our contest and providing their amazing product as prizes to our readers!

Energy Patch Contest is Over, Winners Announced Tomorrow!

That title pretty much says it all, but for those of you who hunger for more of my writing I’ll go ahead and make an entire paragraph and a half post for you. No thanks are necessary.

Our latest contest, sponsored by the amazing folks over at Spot On Energy and featuring their amazing product, officially ended yesterday which means that the five winners will be announced very soon. Winners will be contacted via email and have 48 hours to respond to me with their shipping information. If a return email isn’t sent in two days’ time, another person will be randomly drawn and selected as a runner up. In short, check your email!

Thanks to everyone who entered, and good luck to all of you! The five randomly selected winners will be announced and contacted tomorrow, so keep on your toes!