[Energy Drink Review] Blood Energy Potion

Blood Energy Potion is a new energy shot from Mana, the people behind both the Mana Energy Potion and Health Energy Potion, two products which have established themselves as fantastically effective energy shots despite their seemingly “novelty” vibe. Plus they look like something straight out of a video game, and that’s something I can totally dig. But Blood has a completely different theme than its predecessors, ditching the WoW crowd and attempting to capitalize on a whole new breed of human beings. The Vampire fans.

I hate vampires. There’s just nothing about them that appeals to me, and as far as I’m concerned they are the lamest creatures of supernatural lore this side of Frankenstein’s Monster. Maybe it’s just because I’m not a 13 year old girl enfatuated with the series of horrible Twilight books and movies, who knows? Most likely it’s because I’m a zombie guy, and I always have been. Continue reading

[Mini Review] Subway’s Chicken Marinara Melt

Subways’ new Chicken Marinara is a Five Dollar Footlong available for a limited time only. And that is definitely a good thing. The faster this thing gets off the menu, the better. The Chicken Marinara is quite possibly the single worst sandwich I’ve ever gotten from Subway. The flavors of the sauce and the chicken don’t blend well and the thin slices of chicken breast are incapable of holding a hot temperature. By the time you are halfway done with the thing the bread is soggy, the sauce and meat are cold, and you will be gagging on every disgusting bite.

What a waste of five dollars.

[Energy Drink Review] Venom Energy: Killer Taipan

venomkillertaipanIt’s been a while since I’ve had any drinks from the Venom Energy lineup of drinks, so today I decided to pick up a can of Killer Taipan, a mango flavored supplement from Venom. I’ve known about this drink’s existence for a fairly long time, since some time during the spring college semester of 2009, and have actually had it a few times before.

Straight from the can:

When you want cold-blooded clarity and the quick energy to strike when the time is right, you need the potent Venom of the Killer Taipan, delivered in mesmerizing Mango.

The Venom Potency Pack has a powerful does of taurine, glucuronolactone, L-carnitine and guarana, giving it piercing energy that strikes back.

Continue reading

Starbucks Doubleshot Energy+Coffee Giveaway Winners Announced!

It’s officially time to announce the five winners of our Starbucks Doubleshot Energy+Coffee Giveaway. They are as follows:

  1. DG
  2. Jessica Jones
  3. Lisette
  4. Jessica!
  5. Chris Hauger

Winners will be sent emails shortly informing them of what they need to do to claim their prizes. And for those of you who didn’t win, I assure you the selection process wasn’t meant to be personal, it was simply a random drawing.

Thanks again for all who entered.

[Review] Mini Chill Relaxation Shot (Berry Bliss)

In today’s world it is all too often that you need an extra burst of energy just to keep up with your busy life. Thankfully there are plenty products for that. Energy Drinks, Energy Candies, Energy Shots, Energy Powders, Energy Patches, Energy Mixes, Energy Gum, Energy Soap, and the list goes on and on.

But what about when the time finally comes to slow down? Luckily there is a growing list of products out there that help calm you down when you need to relax and take a load off. The Mini Chill Relaxation Shot is one such product. Whether you’re getting ready for bed or just ending a stressful overtime shift, this thing will make your “you” time much more enjoyable. Continue reading

[Food Review] The Flying Cow from McDonald’s

Once in a great while a food so great, so cheap, and so filling comes into existence. Fellow food lovers, that time has cometh! I speak of the flying cow, a tasty and oh so filling meal in its own right. I’m sure you read this now in curiosity, or just so you can spite me in comments at the end, but either way you’re reading and that’s what matters!

The flying cow is a surprisingly simple sandwich to create. Factor in a price tag of about two dollars (depending on your use of a double cheeseburger or the “Mcdouble”) and it becomes something children and adults alike can enjoy.  I simply go to the nearest McDonald’s, and ask for a Double cheeseburger and a McChicken sandwich. Some may stop here saying “Hamburger AND a chicken sandwich? Pft get out of here!” but I will not be leaving. Continue reading

[Gum Review] Trident Layers

trident_layers_gumTrident Layers come in two different flavors, Green Apple + Golden Pineapple and Wild Strawberry + Tangy Citrus. I don’t usually chew fruit-flavored gum– actually I don’t chew gum in general unless I’m trying to cover the smell of prostitute drool and cheap booze when I go to church, and that isn’t all that often. However, I recently stumbled across a few pieces of each flavor of Trident Layers and decided to give them a chance.

Big mistake. Continue reading

[Energy Drink Review] Sport Energy: Mango Cream

sportmangocreamenergydrinkI was digging through my fridge in an attempt to find something to help wake me up and quench my thirst when I stumbled upon the Mango Cream flavor of Sport Energy. I didn’t even know I had this, but based on the Fruit Punch flavor I reviewed last week I figured it was my safest bet for a decent energy drink.

I opened the can and lifted the vent up to my nose to get a feel for what I was about to drink. I was met with a soft scent which consisted primarily of a soft cream aroma on accompanying a sweet, fruity mango twist. The aroma was obviously artificial, but didn’t have any disgusting chemical burn. It was also surprisingly subtle, and I even had to sniff it a few times to get a proper impression. Continue reading

Starbucks Doubleshot Energy+Coffee Giveaway

Doubleshot.energy.lockupThe good folks over at Starbucks are sponsoring a contest right here on Everyview and hooking five readers up with some pretty sweet prizes! It’s easy and free to enter (so long as you follow the rules included after the jump) and all you have to do is leave a comment for your chance to win a prize pack from Starbucks themselves.

The theme this time around is one anyone with a job will be easily able to relate with, at least if you are even remotely like any of us Everyview writers. Simply let us know what you do while at work to make it look like you’re working when you are actually not doing a damn thing to benefit your employing company.

We all do it, so it’s nothing to be ashamed of. And hey, maybe your technique for laziness could help some of the less skilled bums get by a little better.

Check out the rest of this article after the jump to read the rules and see the prizes you could win! Continue reading