[Energy Review] Neuro Fuel (Sugar Free)

Energy drink companies are all about formulating sugar free versions of their drinks that taste exactly like the regular ones. This is definitely a good thing, as there are people out there with diseases such as diabetes who can’t afford to intake any more sugar than is absolutely necessary, and an energy drink isn’t necessarily worth dying over.

A couple of weeks ago I posted a re-review for a drink called Neuro Fuel. This week I’m back with a review for that drink’s sugar free counterpart. Let’s see how the Sugar Free formula stacks up against the original. Continue reading

[Food Review] Banquet Microwavable Meals


For those of you who have ever laid awake at night wondering if any company could ever depict what perpetual bachelorhood tastes like, I’m here to tell you the people behind Banquet Microwavable Meals have been perfecting the recipe since 1953. As someone who’s ingested pound after endless pound of such loser delights as bologna, Chef Boyardee and hamburger buns to keep himself alive, I can say with great confidence I haven’t encountered any dining experience more successful in reminding me that I am alone in this world. Continue reading

Get Yourself a Chicken Samwich and Some WiFi… FOR FREE

And maybe a Dr. Pepper to drink.

To clarify, only the WiFi is free. You’ll still have to pay for your chicken samwich. Anyway, people across the U.S can now officially take their large number (insert favored combo meal number here) with a large side of Wi-fi when they visit the nearest McDonald’s! Some of us may or may not have been familiar with the fast food titan’s surly charge of around three dollars for a two hour pass to the store’s wireless internet connection. Well my brothers and sisters I am here today to tell you that it is no longer so!

We have come one step closer to reaching the promise land in free internet.  Just under 12,000 wireless capable restaurants, means I’ll be spending less time at those dim lit hipster nests that we know as coffee shops and more time at the grease stained, heart destroying golden arches! Though the stores that never had wi-fi to begin with will not be gaining acces, the multitude of branches with the newly liberated Wi-Fi is still more than enough.


[Food Review] Doritos Late Night: All Nighter Cheeseburger

The Doritos Late Night line of snacks has found massive success almost entirely by word of mouth. And how could it not? I mean, in a market saturated with purely artificially flavored chips that taste kind of like the name on the bag suggests, it’s nice to be able to snack on something that actually tastes like Tacos or Jalapeno Poppers. I still remember my first bag of Tacos at Midnight. It lasted about 3.2 minutes.

The first new flavor since the now legendary line of chips launched has finally arrived in the form of All Nighter Cheeseburger. Trust me, if you love cheeseburgers, you will love these chips. Continue reading

[Food Review] Chocolate Cheerios

The Cheerios family of cereals just won’t quit growing. Different flavors and variations of Cheerios have been continuously introduced since way back in 1979 and has hit flavors ranging from the long time favorite Honey Nut Cheerios to the less popular flavors like Berry Burst. For whatever reason though, Cheerios never thought to release a chocolate flavor, which is easily the most obvious breakfast cereal flavor. Until now.

Likely inspired by the success of 2008’s Banana Nut Cheerios, brand new Chocolate Cheerios attempt to satisfy the sweet tooth of chocoholics everywhere while simultaneously helping them lower their cholesterol and get some extra whole grain into their diets. Chocolate Cheerios took about 30 years longer to come out than it should have, but it’s finally here and I’m finally going to eat it.

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[Food Review] Pepe’s Duros De Harina Puffed Wheat Snacks (Sabor a Chile y Limon)

I took some Spanish in high school, a fact that might lead you to think that I know something about the language, but don’t be fooled. I only know the very basics. I can count to ten, ask where the bathroom is, get in trouble for sexual harassment,  order a cheeseburger and french fries, insult a fat dog’s Grandmother, and ask for a swine flu vaccine.

You can try to argue with me and tell me that is useless knowledge, but as far as I’m concerned there’s nothing else you need to know when visiting Mexico.

At least that’s what I thought until I got my hands on a bag of the (deep breath) Sabor a Chile y Limon flavor of Pepe’s El Original Duros de Harina Puffed Wheat Snacks. Trust me on this, these things are mucho delicious.

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[Energy Drink Re-Review] Neuro Fuel

Just about a year ago I posted a review for an energy drink called Neuro Fuel, a drink that was so utterly horrible that nothing I’ve consumed before or since (except that time I though ate body spray by mistake. Don’t ask) has even come close to being as disgusting. So why am I willing to re-drink something I hated so much?

Well it turns out that the disgusting can of nasty I subjected myself to was actually an accidental “bad batch.” When the folks behind Neuro Fuel found my review, they were confident that if I tasted their drink the way it was meant to taste, then I would enjoy it much more.

Let’s see if they were right. Continue reading

[Food Review] Taco Bell’s Beefy 5 Layer Burrito

For most of my life I’ve had a pretty casual opinion of Taco Bell. I always found it to be a moderately enjoyable fast food eating experience, but not one that would regularly make it to the top of my dining out list. That’s changed over the last year or so though, as their expansive collection of cheap menu items have been keeping my poor, emaciated ass alive.

So as a newly appointed fan  I was somewhat eager to try out the latest addition to their $.89 value menu, the Beefy 5 Layer Burrito, and I must say it was more than tasty enough to reach my moderately high expectations. Continue reading

[Food Savings] Free Fresco Taco from Taco Bell

Taco Bell has really been pushing their Fresco Menu lately, which is great. Clocking in at only 9 grams of fat and loaded with delicious salsa fresca, the items on the Fresco Menu are healthier, and even tastier according to some, substitutes to their standard menu counterparts.

Head on over to this page to get a coupon for a free Fresco Taco from Taco Bell.

[Food Review] Wendy’s Spicy Chicken Nuggets (UPDATED)

Wendy’s has the absolute best chicken nuggets around, no questions asked. And now, here recently, a new form of that unparalleled nugget has been introduced to a market starved for new flavors of processed chicken to dip into their Chocolate Frosties. And what better way to serve up a new variation of a classic nugget than by making it spicy?

I’m not going to lie, I was very excited to try these. As I’ve already made quite obvious, I love Wendy’s nuggets. I also love spicy foods, especially spicy chicken. However delicious my dreams of these warm little chicken nuggets were, the real life things are nothing short of a disappointment. Continue reading