Review: Mean Bean Java Monster

Mean Bean Java Monster

Mean Bean Java Monster

Not too long ago I reviewed the Mega size of my long-time favorite drink, Monster Energy. The Mega Monster energy supplement scored a 9.0/10 overall giving it (at the time of this writing) the highest review score on this site. Well Monster recently released a line of coffee based drinks called Java Monster to compete directly with Starbucks Frappuccinos.

How does the Java Monster compete with the current king of cold coffees? Let’s find out.


Directly from the can:

“It’s time to get out of line and step up to what’s next.

Java Monster, premium coffee and cream, brewed up with killer flavor, supercharged with monster energy-blend.

Coffee done the right way, wide open, with a take no prisoners attitude and the experience and know how to back it up.

Java Monster… half the caffeine of regular coffee, Twice the Buzz!”

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Review: Mega Monster

The Mega Monster Energy drink is one of those things that claims you can never get too much of a good thing. It says it right on the can. So you assume it’s OK to down as many of these suckers as humanly possible, right? Wrong. Right after the can says you can’t have too much Monster it almost immediately contradicts itself with a little warning label that suggests a limit of two cans per day. Now, most people read from top to bottom and left to right, yes? So you read the statement telling you to drink as much as you can but chances are you won’t read far enough to find out that this aluminum can is a liar that is trying to kill you. Brilliant marketing!

In all seriousness, though, don’t drink too much of this stuff. Two cans is about a 4th of what I intake, so that limit is probably a little haphazard, but it’s just to keep you from overdosing on caffeine… which sucks. Trust me.

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