Review: Mocha Starbucks DoubleShot Energy+Coffee


The following review is the work of Ryan, site administrator over at This entry was the winner in our Starbucks Contest, so make sure you congratulate him and check out his site!


I’ll admit, I’m not much of a coffee drinker or an energy drink kind of person.  I have dabbled from time to time but I’m definitely no expert.  I find that energy drinks that I’ve had in the past do help in boosting my alertness but I’ve never been a fan of the taste.  I feel as though energy drinks place me in some alternate universe where I’m Mega Man….half machine, half boy and I’m fueling up my power cells in order to defeat Dr. Wiley.  If you’re confused, please forgive my geeky early-1990’s Nintendo mascot references.  The bottom line is this, I am rarely compelled enough to try cold coffee or energy drinks.  I felt that this Everyview/Starbucks contest was a good chance for me to get out of my box and try something new.  The Starbucks DoubleShot Energy+Coffee drink may make me a believer in the endless array of energy drinks that occupy my local convenient store fridges.  I stayed up late and woke up early to put this drink to the test.

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And the Starbucks Contest Winner is…

starbucks-logo1We received many entries for our Starbucks Contest, many of which had to be disqualified for various reasons. There were still a few left, but at the end one entry stood out among the rest as the clear winner.

Ryan, site administrator over at, a great site for food reviews and is immediately receiving a spot on our BlogRoll, entered a review that met all of the criteria and regulations and also managed to be entertaining and informative. Congratulations Ryan, thanks a lot for you entry! Your prize will be on it’s way soon, hope you enjoy it.

As for everyone else, thanks for entering and look out for any contests we may hold in the near future. Thanks for all your support, and as always, keep reading Everyview!

Starbucks Contest Almost Over, Get Your Entries In!

Hey guys, just stopping by to remind everyone that our Starbucks Contest comes to an end at midnight tomorrow so get out there and grab a can of Mocha Starbucks DoubleShot Energy+Coffee, love it, write a review, send it in, and WIN! If you’re good, that is.

If you need a refresher, use the link above or the picture on the top of the left sidebar to get to the rules page. Make sure you follow those rules. I’ve had to disqualify a lot of people for thinking they can sneak in cheap shots trying to win the totally awesome prize, but it isn’t going to work.

Anyway, good luck guys, I can’t way to see what some of you come up with! And as always, keep reading Everyview!

Review: Power Horse Energy Drink


Power Horse Energy Drink is best known for its role in the 2008 assassin film Wanted. Like Brawndo, it’s another energy drink you know from a film but probably had no idea existed in reality, so I’m here to tell you all about it. And like Brawndo, you very likely won’t find it in stores but I’ve got the hook up. While it’s true the people behind Power Horse didn’t send me samples to review, my good buddy Mike Bricker recently ordered a case off the internet and was kind enough to give me a can for review. *Internet Hug*

So does Power Horse prove to be an energy drink worth your hard earned cash or is it just a worthless novelty drink from Austria? Yeah, Austria.

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Review: Health Energy Potion


Health Potion is from the same company that brought you Mana, the original Energy Shot meant to look like it came straight out of a video game, which is an idea I love. Combining two of the greatest inventions of all time into one is always a good idea. Well, almost. Anyway, Health Potion uses a unique blend of herbs and ditches the overused Berry or Citrus flavors often found in energy shots for a Cinnamon Apple taste.

Oh, and it replenishes 160 HP.

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Contest: Starbucks DoubleShot Energy+Coffee

starbucks-logoThat’s right, we’ve grown enough to be trusted by a company like Starbucks with a promotional contest. And since this is our first contest, we’ve decided to keep things simple. All you have to do is go out and get a can of Mocha Starbucks DoubleShot Energy+Coffee, drink it, and write a review for it using our reviews as an outline of sorts. Whoever writes the best review will have the honor of getting their work published on Everyview.

What a lame prize, right? Well that’s not all you get. Besides the fame of nearly 300 people a day seeing your name and reading your opinion you get an awesome package including the entire lineup of Starbucks Energy+Coffee and an awesome USB powered drink warming/cooling pad to make sure your coffee is always at the perfect temperature.

For a list of rules click ‘Read More’

Review: Java Monster Irish Blend


The Irish blend of Java Monster is a unique breed. Like the formerly reviewed Russian, Irish is essentially meant to be a non-alcoholic recreation of your favorite foreign liquor with a shot of Java Monster for extra flavor. The Russian, for instance, was essentially a virgin White Russian, and the Irish blend is, obviously, a virgin Irish Creme. Think Bailey’s. Without the booze.

Awesome? Let’s find out.

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Poll Results: What’s Your Favorite Monster Flavor?

Hey guys, it’s been a while since our first poll but I finally got another one up and just like that it’s time to take it back down again. I stopped the poll this morning when I saw we had 104 votes which is a pretty solid number and gives a pretty stable idea of how many people like what flavor of Monster Energy. So let’s see what we’ve got.

  • Original- 42 votes
  • Any of the Java Monsters- 19 votes
  • Khaos- 13 votes
  • Assault- 13 votes
  • M-80- 10 votes
  • Mixxd- 4 votes
  • Hitman- 3 votes

The original blend, unsurprisingly, led the pack by a large margin. What did surprise me, however, is that some people actually consider the horrible Mixxd flavor to be their favorite. These people obviously also fall into the category of sexual sadist, and love bleeding while making love. Sick bastards.

Anyway, a new post will be up soon enough. Maybe tomorrow maybe not. But until then, keep reading Everyview!

Review: Amp Energy Focus


Earlier this week we reviewed Lightning, a drink with disappointing attributes all around yet provided a monstrous kick that was, admittedly, short lived and followed by a mild crash. Now we’ve got yet another new flavor from Amp, Focus. The drink’s flavor is Blast of Mixed Berry which sounds delicious. But Lightning’s lemonade flavoring also got us excited just to turn out tart, bitter, and artificial. Does Focus prove to be an Amp product finally worth buying or does it slip into mediocrity with most of its sister drinks?

Straight from the can:

Bring your mind to a whole new level to keep connected, focused, and alert. Sharpen your game – The power of Amp Energy with a Blast of Mixed Berry and a kick of L-Theanine.

Sounds promising, but what the hell is L-Theanine?

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Review: Starbucks Energy+Coffee DoubleShot


So far I’ve reviewed the vanilla and exquisite cinnamon dulce blends of Starbucks’ popular lineup of DoubleShot Energy+Coffee products. I figured I might as well review the original flavor before moving on to the last blend. Like I’ve stated several times before. I love doing things out of order.

The original blend, simply labeled Coffee, is most akin to Java Monster’s Big Black/Originale (they’re the same thing. There was a name change or something) but is also very different. Superior, even. This is a product from Starbucks, afterall.

Straight from the can:

Your extra Shot. Starbucks DoubleShot Energy+Coffee. A powerful, great-tasting brew of B vitamins, guarana, ginseng and natural proteins from milk. Charged up with premium coffee. That extra surge to keep you energized and alert. Are you ready for more?

I’m totally ready for more.

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