So That Book Didn’t Come Out…

I’m referring of course to The Legend of Zelda and Philosophy. I drove all around town this morning hoping to pick up a copy for review, but alas my search was in vain. I have high hopes that Walden Books will get it in tomorrow, but those chances are slim since their computer has it scheduled for a December release even though it came out today. I have Books A Million order me a copy, but it takes 2-3 weeks for it to arrive, so I’m fairly bummed about it.

Oh well, life goes on. I was hoping to make this my first book review, but I guess that’s not going to happen. It’s either going to be “I Am 8-Bit” or a retro review for the Metal Gear book released way back when. Anyway, keep reading Everyview!

The Legend of Zelda and Philosophy Comes out Tomorrow!

I Link, Therefore I am!

I Link, Therefore I am!

“The Legend of Zelda and Philosophy” is a book written to explore every aspect of the Zelda universe from a philosophical standpoint, attempting to answer questions pertaining to the game world by applying real world psychological theories based on emotions and thought processes. The book, edited by Luke Cuddle, is set to release November 19th but you can get it on Amazon now, and be sure to come back for the complete review posted shortly after release!!