Review: Java Monster Russian


Coffee,  while it is a good drink, has many drawbacks which many users of the substance find irritating.  For one, it is often hot and spillage can lead to burns and other problems that can arise from handling hot fluids.  Coffee is most normally drank in a mug or thermos type container. The mugs are normally decorated with small sayings or phrases like “World’s best Dad” and other debatable facts which can lead to awkward social situations at home and in the office.

And the biggest problem is probably the brewing and mixing of the coffee, which can take considerable amounts of time which could otherwise be spent being more productive at work or spending valuable time with the family.  The scientists at the Monsters headquarters took all these problems seriously and came up with an innovative solution.  By putting coffee in a can + Energy, you have a delicious drink that you can take anywhere without all the safety hazards of regular coffee, and it gives you so much more time for productive activities!

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Retro-Review: Warheads

When I think about my childhood I often remember the sugary candies and
beverages that went along with it. Many come to mind and some of them I
still enjoy! Mountain Dew, Reese’s Cups, Snickers, and the occasional
piece of gum. Yet I still miss those long forgotten candies that made up
a good part of my diet in younger years. Sweet Starbursts, tangy Ring
Pops, Bazooka Joe bubble gum, the highly caffeinated Surge soda, Nerds,
Shocktarts, Air Heads… wait, that last one reminds me of something.
Something else with the word ‘head’ in it. Ahh, yes. Warheads! I used to
pop those little suckers 24/7. I could even open up the wrapper up in
my mouth (not as hard as the Starburst wrappers of course). It’s been so
long since I’ve had a Warhead that I can hardly remember what they taste
like. Hmm. Well any candy that has the word ‘Head’ in it must be good,
right? Was it sour? Was it sweet? Luckily I have just stumbled
upon one of these little candies and I’m going to see if they live up to
my memories.

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