Review: Full Throttle Fury

Full Throttle FuryOverview:

Straight from the can:

You’ve been there. Against the odds, you’ve found yourself in the home stretch-neck and neck with the other guy. Does he have what you have? The fury inside to go all the way? To never give up or let up? Se keep your fire burning by downing another Full Throttle Fury packed with 3,000 mg of the Full Throttle Energy Blend and a bold orange flavor. Because there’s only one choice…

Go Full Throttle or Go Home.

Let’s see how Full Throttle Fury stacks up to the competition.


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Flash Review: Alex Trax

Alex TraxOverview:

Alex Trax is a free flash game from NeoDelight that stars a young Korean on a bicycle trying to make it back to a sweatshop because he forgot some keys or something. I’m really not sure, but he’s also sporting a wet suit, army helmet, and pink bike. This game sounds totally stupid, right? Well it’s not. The majority of the students in my electronics class in highschool (taught by one of the greatest men I’ve ever known, George Corey) played this game every single day until one of us were finally able to beat it. It’s a hard game.

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It’s Election Day! Go Vote.

"Vote for change!"

Pikachu says: Vote for Change!

Well, the day of reckoning has finally come. The day when the next figurehead takes over America. We have the right to choose who will lead our nation for the next four years, and if you haven’t voted already you need to go do that.

Polls close here in an hour, so step on it. And as long as you’re in line before 6:00PM they have to wait until your vote is counted to close up shop. This is a very important day for America, so don’t miss the opportunity to express yourself and vote for our next president.

Review: Monster M-80

Monster M-80Overview:

Monster M-80 is another product from Monster Energy’s “Juice” lineup of drinks. I’ve already reviewed Khaos, which earned an impressive score of 8/10. Can the M-80 top it? Let’s find out.

Straight from the can:

The magical smells in the air driving to the Monster Energy Pipeline Pro Surf competition on the North Shore of Oahu was our inspiration for new Monster M-80. We started with a killer combo of local tropical juices, added in some original Monster flavor, then souped it up with a full load of our potent Monster Energy blend.


Monster M-80… another radical “Juice Monster” hybrid with explosive flavor and the big bad Monster buzz you know and love.

Let’s take a look at it, shall we?

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The House of the Dead: Overkill Trailer

Sega is publishing a new House of the Dead game, sub-titled Overkill, exclusively for the Wii. This would’ve been a good post for Halloween, I know, but I just didn’t care too much that day. I was sick. Anyway, this game will be a prequel to the killer arcade franchise and will be released some time in 2009 and you can bet your scared little arse I’ll have a review on it ASAP. Check out the trailer, which I’ve embedded below. Note the extremely awesome Grindhouse flare to it.

Direct Link

Scheduled Updates for Week of Nov. 2nd

So I tried toning down my ambitious planning in the Scheduled Updates last week and it worked out quite well. I got 6/8 things up, including the Venom and Curve reviews, Caught in the Headlights coverage, and my first entry into the PackRat Paragraphs. I also delivered some special posts for Halloween which included the Dawn of the Dead and Splatterhouse reviews.

Here’s what you can expect next week:

  • New entry into the PackRat Paragraphs
  • Full Throttle energy drink review
  • Teaser for the Terre Haute Skates project I’m working on
  • A video game review (undecided)
  • Mint Snuff All Mint Tobacco Free Chew review (ugh)
  • Hopefully some more local band coverage
  • That Land of the Dead review I should’ve had up on Halloween. Sorry
  • Pat and Tate’s posts
  • Whatever other news or reviews I decide to post

And Christmas is at the end of next month! YES! I just remembered that! I want a dragon and half a bottle of punch and a skateboard with wings and… a pocket watch! And as always, keep reading Everyview!

PackRat Paragraphs: Pure Evil RE 2-Pack

The Resident Evil 2-Pack Pure Evil box set was a Gamecube game that featured both series prequel Resident Evil 0 as well as the acclaimed GCN revamp of the original Resident Evil. The promos life span was rather short causing the item’s appreciate over the years as well as become a rare gem sought after by many game collectors. The box set runs for about 65 dollars on, but I picked it up when it was first released for about 20 bucks if I remember right.

Nintendo 64 Knock-off

I went in to a certain local grocery store and saw a big display of gifts for the upcoming holiday season. Amongst the breakfast grills, snowmen plush dolls and generic cards was one thing that really caught my eye. It was the dreamGEAR Plug ‘n Play Game System. This “gaming console” is a total N64 knock off with a little motion sensing thrown in a la Wii. Seriously. Some companies have no shame whatsoever.

Click ‘read more’ to see more pictures.

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