Review: Starbucks Vanilla Energy+Coffee


So I’ve reviewed several of the Java Monster products and have complained about the lack of kick and how they all taste way too similar. That’s why I decided to pick up the vanilla flavored Starbucks Doubleshot Energy+Coffee this morning on my way to class. I wanted to see if Starbucks Doubleshot Energy can deliver where Java Monster’s don’t shine.

Straight from the can:

Your extra shot. Starbucks DoubleShot Energy+Coffee. A powerful, great-tasting brew of B vitamins, guarana, ginseng and natural proteins from milk. Charged up with coffee and vanilla. That extra surge to keep you energized and alert. Are you ready for more?

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Weekly Recap for Nov. 2nd-9th

Instead of doing scheduled updates, I’ve decided to start doing a weekly recap feature. If you’ll remember correctly, I was never really able to deliver on what I promised in the Scheduled Updates, and I would instead review other things that weren’t scheduled. This’ll hopefully work out easier since I’m just telling you what’s been posted throughout the week and a link to it in case you missed it!

This weeks recap:

Brave Souls Live Coverage Up Tomorrow

I just got back from the Brave Souls show. I took plenty of video which I’m uploading to YouTube now, fingers crossed it doesn’t freeze up on me, and have already started writing an article to let everyone know about the band.

The thing is I’m tired and I have to be at work at 6:30 in the AM, so I’m going to sleep now. All you eager kids’ll just have to wait until tomorrow to see what I thought about the band’s performance.

See you guys tomorrow at about 4 when I post the article, until then go read some of the other posts on the site. Chances are you’ll find something to interest you. G’night!

Review: BAWLS Guarana


From the BAWLS website:

BAWLS Guarana started as the brainchild of a then college student who was looking for an alternative to coffee. As part of a class project, he came up with BAWLS – a premium, carbonated, non-alcoholic beverage made with Guarana. Named for the caffeinated ‘Bounce’ it gives you, BAWLS gets its flavor and kick from the Amazonian Guarana berry, which contains a natural form of caffeine nearly three times stronger than that found in traditional sodas.

Using the untapped potential of Guarana in the United States as a source for caffeine in soft drinks, BAWLS Guarana took off with surprising strength on November 14, 1996 in Miami, FL. People instantly fell in love with the refreshing, crisp taste of BAWLS, while being able to enjoy the rush of caffeine the drink packs.

Now on the market for nearly 12 years, BAWLS Guarana is available nationwide and its popularity continues to grow among caffeine-deprived, refreshment-seeking techies, students, professionals and athletes in need of a Bounce.

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One Step Closer to Curing Paralysis

Well… Kinda. Not really. Maybe. Anyway, Honda just made a wearable robotic walking maching that helps take stress off of knees and help old people climb stairs. It’s really geeky, though, so I wouldn’t imagine anyone wanting to wear this unless they absolutely needed to.

I have a paralyzed uncle, and seeing stuff like this gives me hope that he could one day walk through a park and fly kites with me again. C’mon, science! Make it happen!

walker assistant

Original story

Gesture Based Control, Minority Report style…

Is the future so far away? Or is it here but we don’t know it? No, it’s not here and we’ll never be able to reach it. We are simply stuck in the present. Good thing technology keeps evolving. Does that even make sense? But before I begin to ramble I’ll start my post. Currently, a company called Mgestyk is developing a notable system for Gesture based controls. Not too much info is being revealed at the moment, such as price or availability. It looks like an awesome implication for the right applications with the right tweaking. Although if I used it too long I might get tired and go back to my mouse. Check out the video, or click the link for the original source.

PackRat Paragraphs: 1930’s Bullet Shot Glass Container

Anitque Bullet Shell Shotglass Container

During the Covered Bridge Festival, my lovely girlfriend Kim and I went shopping at a fine man named Whitey’s house. He had all kinds of random collectibles, weapons and neat stuff. One of the things I picked up from him was this antique bullet shot glass container. Stained with rust, blood, and well-aged whiskey remnants I knew this thing had to be mine. I’ve looked all over the internet for something like it and have found nothing. If anyone has any information on how much something like this might be worth, hit me up.

Click Read more for more pictures.

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Hands-On: Dragon Ball Origins (DS)


Dragon Ball Origins is Atari’s newest addition the the Dragon Ball franchise and was developed exclusively for the Nintendo DS. I was recently messing around on my Wii’s Nintendo Channel and noticed there was a demo up for the game. Even though the game’s already out I know I can’t afford to buy a copy for review, so I figured a hands-on with the newest demo would be the next best thing.

Click read more for my hands-on with the game.

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Reviving Extinct Species a Possibility?

That’s right. Scientists have recently been able to make clones from dead mice that have been frozen for 16 years. This leads scientists to believe that creating clones from animals that have been extinct for millions of years is possible, as long as the remains have been frozen in permafrost since the time of that creatures demise.

As if creating clones from living creatures wasn’t enough of a slap in God’s face. What is the world coming to?

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