Help Cocaine Fight for our Rights!

Cocaine Energy drink is under complete assault. Because the drink is called Cocaine the Government wants to put them down! Don’t we have freedom of speech? I thought so. Don’t we have the right as Americans to say whatever we want? I thought so. Hmm…

Help Cocaine fight to protect our freedom of speech by making a PayPal donation here. Every penny counts, even the smallest donation with help their legal fund grow into something that could become a revolution, so don’t just sit there! Sit there and click some buttons to give Cocaine some cash, it’s for a just cause, I assure you.

Drink Cocaine, fight the Man!

Review: Myspace for BlackBerry


Finally, after far too long of having to stop what I’m doing (porn) in my BlackBerry’s web browser RIM has decided to release an application to run your Myspace for you, without taking up browser privelages. The application is downloadable for free. All you have to do is go to with your BlackBerry device and a special splash page comes up asking you if you want to download the software for free.

Since the application is rather new there are a few quirks, but let’s see how it preforms anyway.



Myspace for BlackBerry smartphones looks great. It provides a nice, clean interface in the traditional blue and white theme present on the desktop parent. There is a shortcut bar across the top that provides access to your homepage, inbox, friend requests, comments, current friends, and photos. The bar is easily navigated by horizontally moving the trackball, and accessed by a simple click. Continue reading

Weekly Recap for Nov. 9th-16th

This week was awesome, just like every other week. Here’s the recap:

Sweet! Keep reading Everyview! Continue reading

Awesome Lip Tattoo

Last night I was completely stumped. I had some extra cash and I decided I wanted to get a new tattoo. The thing was, I didn’t have enough extra cash to get a sweet, intricate tattoo. What to get, what to get… Got it! I decided to get a lip tattoo that says Zombie! Awesome? Yes.

I went by his shop and told him I would be there at 1 o’clock today. I showed up, dropped him a little cash, and got the word ‘ZOMBIE’ written on the inside of my lip. I rock.

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Review: NOS Energy Drink

At least the bottle's cool

At least the bottle is cool


Nos comes in a super awesome bottle. It’s seriously one of the neatest containers for an energy drink I’ve ever seen. It’s a 22oz blue bottle designed to look like a tank of Nitrous Oxide, hence the name NOS.

I can’t really compliment much of what’s inside the bottle, though. Mainly because it’s bad. Nos is one of those horribly salty, medicine-like drinks that make your teeth feel gritty and your stomach cry. Well, it’s not that bad, but it’s definitely not good.


Nos has somewhat of a citrus-like scent that makes your mouth water, mainly because it’s a little on the sour side. The aroma is actually probably the only redeeming quality about this liquid besides the kick.

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First Ever Pictures of Planets Outside our Solar System!

My theory for how scientists make new planet names, which consist of random capitol and lowercase letters with some random numbers thrown in there, is they tickle a homeless Jewish man while he tries to type with his feet. Take the first twelve or so digits and voila! Planet name!

Anyway, it’s a pretty awesome breakthrough. The fact that we are now able to photographs is, according to Bruce Macintosh, crucial in finding a new Earth, which, according to Steven Hawking, is the only way mankind will survive beyond 200 years. Awesome!

The original article is here, so do yourself a favor and go check it out.

Review: World of Goo (WiiWare)


I’m just gonna say this to go ahead and get it out of the way. World of Goo is by far the greatest game on Nintendo’s WiiWare service, and one of the best on the console itself. This gem is one of those games that show just how good a game can be when the people making are doing it because creating games is what they love, not to earn a paycheck. It easily proves that gaming can be considered not only truly sophisticated entertainment, but also one of the most creative forms of art. Can you tell I love this game?

World of Goo was developed by a team called 2D Boy which consists of only three members, only two of which did the majority of the work on Goo before expanding to 3. The game released a couple of weeks ago for download on WiiWare for 1500 Wii Points, or $15.

Beautiful AND creative

Beautiful AND creative

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PackRat Paragraphs: Twilight Princess Belt Buckle

Twilight Princess Belt BuckleAlright, so anyone who’s ever met me knows I’m a huge Zelda fan. I mean HUGE. That is why I had no problem dropping $20 for this awesome belt buckle I found at Hot Topic a while back. It’s definitely far from the most awesome piece of Zelda related fandom I own, but it’s still pretty nifty.

I’ve found it for as high as thirty bucks on the e-webs, which is $10 more than I paid. I imagine by the time I’m 65 it should be worth a fine sum in rupees!

Well, We’re up to 2,000 Hits!

Just wanted to give a quick status update and let everyone know that Everyview has hit 2,000 views! I just wanted to thank everyone for coming by the site and I’m glad you guys all like it.

I also have an announcement to make! Since we hit 2,000 views I’ve decided to start saving money to buy the domain name The only problem is that it already belongs to some company and they are selling it for the ridiculous price of like $650!! You guys should make donations! Not really.

Anyway, thanks a million, guys. I really appreciate your support! And as always, keep reading Everyview!

Brave Souls Live at Wesleyan Church

I was recently invited to do coverage for a local Christian band called Brave Souls at the Northside Wesleyan Church here in Terre Haute. Of course I jumped at the opportunity to help get the word out about some more talented local musicians. I arrived with my camera in hand and left thoroughly impressed with some killer footage, ringing ears and, believe it or not an improved religious outlook, which is exactly what the band set out to accomplish.

Unlike previously covered band Caught in the Headlights, which is composed of some talented up and coming new comers to the Terre Haute music scene, most of Brave Souls’ members are seasoned veterans and it shows. The band consists of Travis ,Matt Buell on bass, Bryar Nevins and Jeremy on guitar, David on keyboards, and Adam slamming the skins.

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