Review: Dad’s Blue Cream Soda

Dad's Blue Cream SodaOverview:

Man, I sure do love me some cream soda. But even with my attraction towards the softest of all soft drinks, I’ve never seen blue cream soda before, just your standard gold, red, and clear, so the second I saw this at a local gas station I grabbed it and ran. After paying, of course. The guy at the counter had a gun!

Anyway, the Dad’s company specializes in recreating, or attempting to recreate, olde fashioned drinks that ruled the malt shops and drive-in theaters way back in the day, so as I’m sure you can imagine, most of Dad’s hook is nostalgia which seems to blind some people to the real quality of the drink. I was born in 1990, however, so reminiscing about my youth only brings thoughts of Pokemon, Bill Clinton, and Vanilla Ice, making me a prime candidate to present an honest review.

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Review: Amazone Guarana Cigarettes

Amazone Guarana CigarettesFirst off, I do not recommend smoking by anyone of any age. This review is for people who have already made the conscious decision to take on the habit and inform them of other products they might enjoy. If you have not already started smoking then it’s best if you never do.


This is possibly the stupidest idea ever. Cigarettes with guarana, an energizing substance often found in energy drinks? That makes absolutely no sense. It’s like, “Hey! I wanna run now but I can’t because it hurts my lungs”. Pissing me off. Whoever thought of these probably feels like the worlds biggest moron, and rightfully so. This was a stupid idea.

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Club Nintendo is Finally in America!!!

Club Nintendo is, for those who don’t know, a virtual “club” where owners of Nintendo consoles and games can register the serial numbers on each and earn online “coins” which can be used to buy real products. The most prestigious item you can get on Club Nintendo at the current point in time is the Game & Watch Collection for the Nintendo DS, which is going for 800 coins.

Speaking of coins, Wii disc games are worth 50, DS are worth 30, and Virtual Console are worth 10. I have no idea if old GameCube and GBA games are worth anything, as it’s completely impossible to log onto the website due to high traffic. Which is a pain in the ass.

I’ll bring you more on Club Nintendo as soon as I’m actually able to sign into it. Until then, keep reading Everyview and check out the Club Nintendo website for yourself right here.

Review: Kronik Energy

Kronik EnergyOverview:

You’d probably think a generic energy drink called Kronik would be totally gross, as did I. I did, however, walk away from the can feeling slightly less satisfied than other drinks would leave me, yet a little surprised that I wasn’t throwing up or seeing clowns come out of the walls.

Straight from the can:


Why is this legal but Cocaine Energy isn’t? Oh well.

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Review: Rum and Cola Bodyshot Little Cigars

Rum and Cola BodyShot cigars

First off, I do not recommend smoking by anyone of any age. This review is for people who have already made the conscious decision to take on the habit and inform them of other products they might enjoy. If you have not already started smoking then it’s best if you never do.


You may remember my review for the Trance flavor of Bodyshots which was posted a while back. They were a decent smoke scoring a 7.3/10 here on Everyview, held back mainly by their odor. The review has proven to be rather popular, staying on or around the top posts since written, and has warranted me several hits from Google and Yahoo, therefore I decided to review another flavor; Rum and Cola. Continue reading

Review: Full Throttle Blue Demon

Full Throttle Blue DemonOverview:

Blue Demon, the cousin of Fury, is a blue agave flavor supplement from Full Throttle. Chances are that you don’t know what blue agave is, so I’m going to tell you. The blue agave, or tequila agave, is a plant found most prominently in Mexico and is used to make — as you may have guessed — tequila. It’s basically a needle free cactus with a succulent, sweet tasting heart which is used for many alcoholic beverages, but mainly just tequila. There, you’ve learned something useless today!

So does Blue Demon, like tequila, cause your clothes to fall off? Let’s find out.

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The Top Fives are Coming!

I just finished Googling myself, sad I know, and I found some of the old articles I did when I wrote for a gaming website called Aeropause. One of the things I found that I remembered being my favorite was an editorial called The Top Five. I did all kinds of things from The Top Five: Gaming Consoles to The Top Five: The Legend of Zeldas. Man, those were good days. But the future looks much better!

You guys can look forward to my first The Top Five in well over 2 years. It should be up later today, but I just might hold out until tomorrow. It all depends on how busy I am.

Weekly Recap for Dec. 8th – 12th

I want to take a second to apologize for all my loyal readers who have been checking in throughout the week to find very little few posts. I haven’t been posting as regularly a I usually do, mostly due to finals week approaching, but also because I’ve been spending a lot of time RipStikking at my local skate park to try to get as much shredding in before the winter months bring too much snow. Anyway, things might be a little slow for the next week, but after that I’ll have the sight up to where it should be. But here are the bigger posts of this past week.

Told you it was slow. Anyway, keep reading Everyview!

’08 Holiday Buyer’s Guide: Energy Drink Fanatic

This guide is for the person who is/knows someone who is either obviously addicted to caffeine so intensely that they urinate blood on a regular basis, or just someone who likes to knock one back every once in a while. Only the best and highest reviewed drinks and most unbelievably awesome merchandise have made it on this list, so check it out. First up is the list of drinks.

Cocaine Energy Holiday Stimulus Pack

cocaine holiday Continue reading