Jan. ’09 Indie Band of the Month: On My Honor

Here we are in a brand new month and you all know what that means: A new Indie Band of the Month Award is being handed out to an awesome independent band that you should all know about. Last month a band called The Marys won the first ever Everyview award and now we’re here with On My Honor, the first band of 2009 to win the prize.


On My Honor is a four-piece power pop/punk band fronted by lead singer Drew Justice and backed by guitarist and vocalist Lucas Sams, bassist David Fear, and drummer Josh McCulley. The boys hail from Knoxville, Tennessee where they regularly perform for over 300 dedicated fans. When the band’s not kicking it in their hometown they spend their time running tours across the country, which is probably what helped them get featured on a Future Destination Records Compilation. In 2008 alone, for instance, they embarked on 3 tours spanning 30 states, from New York down to the Gulf of Mexico and everywhere along the way.

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Happy New Year, Everyview Readers

I just wanted to wish all my Everyview readers a happy, happy new year. I hope everyone had a good 2008 and a wish everyone a wonderful an amazing 2009. Feel free to share your New Year’s Resolutions in the comments section of this post, if you want. I still haven’t made one, but as soon as I do I’ll share it with you. Until then, keep reading Everyview.


So I Finally Got Xbox Live

xbox-live-logoYeah, I know. It’s waaaaaaaaaaaaaay past due, but I finally got an Xbox Live account. It’s not that I’ve never wanted one, it’s just that since the 360 isn’t WiFi capable I’ve never gotten around to getting it online. I recently splurged and picked up a $100 network adaptor (seriously. a hundred bucks) for the sake of one game and one game only. Left 4 Dead.

Left 4 Dead is one of the most unbelievably awesome games I’ve ever played. It’s a co-op heavy game that places strong emphasis on teamwork. Sure there’s the option for a single player offline campaign and local splitscreen multiplayer for 2, but it’s just no where near as fun as online.

Anyway, my gamertag is XAQPritcher if anyone wants to hit me up and befriend me over the service. I’ve got a lot more games than just Dead that I’m starting to find are far more enjoyable over Live, so I’m sure we can get a match going in something.

The Top Five: Things I got for Xmas

This is the first addition to a new article I plan to start doing regularly called The Top Five. It’s obviously articles that are basically top 5 lists of any subject at all put together with pictures and my reasoning of why it deserves the spot it did. Since it’s right after Christmas, I figured the perfect thing to do would be writing a The Top Five on things I got from the Fat Man in Red and let all my readers write a little 5 item list of their own! So here it goes, The Top Five: Things I got for Xmas!

5. Energizer Wii Controller Charger:
For a long time I was content with my Nyko Charge Station. It worked really well and I enjoyed the rubber padding on the replacement wii chargercontroller backs. But as of recently it’s been having trouble charging my controllers, and those rubber pads I once loved make it a pain in the ass to use the Wii Zapper, which is a pain in the ass itself, or play Guitar Hero since it adds extra bulk to the Wiimote which keeps it from fitting in the Zapper or guitar controller. It’s about time to update and this is a great product to replace the old one with. It’s far more sleek and sexy, and replaces those uncomfortably bright blue l.e.d.’s from Nyko’s charger with soft green lights to indicate a fully charged batter. An overall superior product.
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Weekly Recap for Dec. 22nd – 28th

We definitely had next to zero posts this week, but that should be understandable since it was Christmas. Speaking of which, I hope everyone had a really good holiday. I’m about to write a post with all the goodies I got for Xmas, and I encourage comments on it to let me know what you got. Anyway, here’s the 3 noteworthy posts of Christmas week.

Welp, that was it. The New Year is coming up, so I hope everyone is getting ready to begin 2009. And as always, keep reading Everyview!

Merry Christmas, Everyview Readers!

I just wanted to pop in and wish all my readers a very merry Christmas!

xmas lol cat

I’ve taken a couple of days off from writing to spend some time with my family over the Holidays, but Everyview is back in full effect. We’ll have a review of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed for the XBox 360 tomorrow, and we’ll let you know what Santa brought us here at the offices to review. Heck, we’ll even let you tell us what you got for Christmas (or Hanukkah)!!! Yay! Happy holidays and keep reading Everyview.

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I Got to be Santa Claus!

Yaaay! At work the other day I was offered the opportunity to dress like Father Christmas himself and hand out candy to small children. Since I regularly do the candy to small children part without a Santa suit and on my own time, I figured this would be a blast. I got to make several kids smile really big, hand out candy canes, and walk around doing nothing for the last 2 hours I was at work. It was awesome! I also made a bunch of scared little bastards cry their eyes out because they know they’ve been naughty little shits. Yeah, I went there. I love being Santa Claus.

Santa Pissin'


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Coming Real Soon…

Hey guys, I’ve been really busy with work and Christmas shopping so there are some articles and reviews that I haven’t exactly gotten around to writing yet, but they’re coming really soon, I promise.

On the reviews front, there’s:

  • Motley Crue Saint’s of Los Angeles (music)
  • Marcy Playground’s debut album (retro-review)
  • The Legend of Zelda and Philosophy (book)
  • I am 8-bit (book)
  • Pirates: Key of Dreams (game)
  • Taco Bell’s Fully Loaded Nachos (food & drink)

As far as the articles go, I’ve got:

  • The Chalice @ THMV (music)
  • Nate @ Bogey’s (music)
  • The Top Five: Fat Kids Falling YouTube videos (editorial)
  • About 3 new PackRat Paragraphs, including an awesome comic book collection from one of our dedicated readers (PackRat Paragraphs)

These are just some of them, and I’m sure the other writers are working on plenty of reviews for you guys, too.

So these are some things you have to look forward to me getting out (hopefully) before too long into the new year. Just check back for them regularly or subscribe to our Atom feed. And as always, keep reading Everyview!

Weekly Recap for Dec. 14th – 20th

As promised, I got my post count back up from the dismal 5 from last week. We didn’t have too many really heavy hitters, but there were a few noteworthy reviews and whatnot. Here are the links back so you can see anything you may have missed.

Well that about sums up the bigger articles. Enjoy, you guys, and keep reading Everyview!!!

Review: Monster Hitman

Monster HitmanOverview:

Hitman is Monster’s newest product, a tiny 3 swig shot of powerfully potent energy potion. You’re probably most familiar with 6 Hour Power energy shots, and if you’ve been looking then you’ve most likely started to see NOS, Full Throttle, and AMP putting out their own shots.

These shots are designed to give a sufficient kick that lasts for a while and has no traceable crash. Some do it better than others, and I’ll always prefer my energy drinks to be canned, hard hitting, short lived beasts with delicious tastes and aromas, but these shots are a good substitute for those who don’t like the crash, however subtle it may be.

Does Hitman nail it’s target?

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