Review: Rip It Energy Fuel

Rip It PowerOverview:

A 99 cent energy drink? That can’t be good, right? I mean, I always pay upwards of $1.99 for my fix, so this has to be some pretty sick stuff.

That’s exactly what I’d thought before I got my first sip. While it’s true that Rip It is only 99 cents and most other generic brands that sell below the industry standard of $1.99 are usually bitter, sour, and have almost no kick, Rip It steps up to the plate and manages to knock the ball deep into center field with its unparalleled budget price and a delicious fruity flavor that satisfies on almost all fronts.

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Coming Soon to Everyview

Remember when I used to do the weekly Scheduled Updates articles that would let you guys know what to expect every week? Well it’s back. Sorta. I decided I’d occasionally let you guys all know what’s coming, or give you a rough idea at the very least. These will be posted every once in a while to keep everyone anticipating something.

  • 2 new tech reviews, including the Microsoft Arc wireless mouse
  • At least 2 new book reviews, including The Legend of Zelda and Philosophy
  • 3 new music reviews, including the newest Motley Crue album
  • 3 video game reviews, including Left 4 Dead
  • 4 new energy drink reviews, including Mana Energy Potion
  • 2 new food reviews, including BK’s Angry Whopper
  • 2 new tobacco reviews, including Revved Up Energy Dip
  • 2 Retro-Reviews, including Frogger for the arcade
  • Our very first guest reviews brought to you by World 1-1‘s Kyle Hogg
  • 3 new movie reviews, including Resident Evil Degeneration
  • Some random articles that I’m sure you’ll all enjoy

Keep in mind those are our goals, not an exact list of what’s coming. We will most likely surpass those goals, but we will try our hardest to at least meet them. So as always, keep reading Everyview!

So I Just Got Guild Wars

Yeah, I was shopping at my local Circuit City and decided I wanted to get a wireless mouse and a cheap computer game to install onto it. The mouse I got is some wicked foldable wireless one that works really well, and for the game I picked up Guild Wars. Why didn’t I get WoW instead? Because I don’t want to pay money to keep playing a game that I don’t have time to play as often as most people, and Guild Wars is free.

Anyway, it’s installing now but if anyone wants to play with me and Patricker then hit us up in the comments section of this post and we’ll see what we can arrange. Also, I’ll have a review of both the game and the mouse here in a short while.

Weekly Recap for Jan. 4th – 10th

This week held some of the more popular posts we’ve had in a while, which was good because we got our hit count back up around +8.5% from 2 weeks ago, and it was my birthday! Yay! Anyway, here are the more popular articles and reviews with links back to each! Enjoy.

That about wraps it up! And until next time, keep reading Everyview!

You Can’t Find Chuck Norris…

… He finds you! And as proof to back that statement up, go to Google, type in ‘find chuck norris’ and then hit the I’m Feeling Lucky button. This is just a quick little mini post, but I thought it was neat so I wanted to show it to everyone. I’m sure a lot of you already knew about it, but this is for the ones who didn’t ride every wave of the Chuck Norris joke era.

Special thanks to my little sister Kelbie for pointing that out to me :D.

Hip Hop Harmonica

This is a video of me beatboxing the harmonica live at a Bogey’s show as a warm-up for local band Nate (article soon, I swear). It’s not very long and I messed up a couple times, but it’s still pretty sweet.

It’s just a short little ditty, not an actual song or anything. It’s groovy none-the-less. Beatboxing harmonica is the greatest discovery since the noodle maker or condoms. Haven’t decided which.

Review: Bacon Cheddar Gordita Crunch


Bacon Cheddar Gordita Crunch

Man, Taco Bell’s been making a LOT of new products lately. The Volcano Taco and Triple Steak Burrito are two example of fine, triple A food products that deserve permanent spots on the menu. The Bacon Cheddar Gordita Crunch has way too many syllables and is a lot less satisfying. While I order at least one Volcano Taco every time I go to TB and order the occasional Triple Steak Burrito, I don’t think I will ever order this again. It’s not bad, but it’s no where near as good as most other items on the menu.

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Review: Animal Crossing: City Folk (Wii)


System: Wii
Developer: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo
Genre: Life Simulation / heroin


Ahh, Animal Crossing. Ask just about anyone who has set foot into the virtual world full of furry citizens and they’ll most likely be able to sum their experiences up in one word: addiction. I’m not sure what it is, but doing odd jobs for Joey the Duck to get goodies to sell to pay off your mortgage to Tom Nook for your overpriced piece of crap house is simply addicting. Well it was the first time around way back on the GameCube, anyway. The DS version was a little less heavy hitting, and now here we are with the Wii. Does Animal Crossing: City Folk stick the heroin filled needle of city life into your gamer vein, or is it time to find a new drug? I mean game.

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Weekly Recap for Dec. 29th – Jan. 2nd

Last week some of you may have noticed that the weekly recap arrived a day late, on Monday instead of Sunday. Well, in order to balance that out (and because I’m feeling lazy) I’m delivering this weeks Recap a day early. Make since? Don’t expect too much, but there’s still more than enough to give you your Everyview fix.

Awesome! Make sure if nothing else you go check out the Indie Band of the Month. They’re an awesome group that’s well worth your listening effort. And as always, keep reading Everyview.