Review: BK Burger Shots


Do you like eating Burger King’s flame broiled burgers even when you’re not hungry? Do you wish you could just get a little itty bitty couple of burgers for a couple of bucks so you don’t have to waste any munch or cash? Then you’ll absolutely love BK’s new Burger Shots. They’re exactly what I described above. Tiny little BK flame broiled burgers you can take on the go or eat as just a small snack whenever you want. But are they good? Read on hungry reader, read on.

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Review: Starbucks Energy+Coffee DoubleShot


So far I’ve reviewed the vanilla and exquisite cinnamon dulce blends of Starbucks’ popular lineup of DoubleShot Energy+Coffee products. I figured I might as well review the original flavor before moving on to the last blend. Like I’ve stated several times before. I love doing things out of order.

The original blend, simply labeled Coffee, is most akin to Java Monster’s Big Black/Originale (they’re the same thing. There was a name change or something) but is also very different. Superior, even. This is a product from Starbucks, afterall.

Straight from the can:

Your extra Shot. Starbucks DoubleShot Energy+Coffee. A powerful, great-tasting brew of B vitamins, guarana, ginseng and natural proteins from milk. Charged up with premium coffee. That extra surge to keep you energized and alert. Are you ready for more?

I’m totally ready for more.

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Review: Amp Energy Lightning


Amp has been making a ton of new flavors and blends lately, and I decided to review them. So far I’ve done the original and Revive, and now Lightning. This drink is meant to, like lighting, strike fast with a quick surge of energy. It gives a great boost, but expect a crash shortly after.

Straight from the can:

Amp Energy Lightning. Charge up your intensity.

The power of Amp Energy plus Lemonade flavor and a specially formulated blend of L-Carnitine, Guarana and B-vitamins for an explosive energizing bolt.

Amp Energy Lightning. More power to YOU.

Wow, that’s intense!

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We Support Winter

winter-wii-gameNot the season, though I do love sledding and throwing snowballs at the elderly. Winter is a recently discovered game from n-Space, the people behind the Gamecube’s underwhelming horror-themed shooter entitled Geist. The game was cancelled for various reasons, the biggest of which was no one wanted to publish it due to the alleged lack of hardcore interest among the Wii gamers.

Winter was a Wii exclusive horror game, a genre the Wii demographic is almost starving for alongside RPGs, set in a small mid-western town which has encountered a very unusual snow storm, hence the name Winter. The game looks very promising and a petition has been started by Wii gamers to get the game published. We support the game and you should too. To sign the petition simply click here or use the picture link near the bottom of the left sidebar.

Review: Revved Up Wintergreen Energy Dip

revved-up-energy-dipDisclaimer: I do not condone or recommend use or of promote consumption of any form of tobacco. This review is not meant to get anyone interested in starting the habit and is only to inform those who have already fallen into addiction of a product they may be interested. Do not begin any tobacco habits.


A while back I reviewed Amazone Guarana Cigarettes, smokes that claim to provide an uplifting, energizing feeling to the consumer. They were unbelievably pathetic, scoring a dismal 1.3/10, and the only feeling it provided was an urge to go back and time and keep yourself from smoking them. Revved up fairs much better by providing a solid tobacco product, but does it really give you energy?

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Review: Starbucks Cinnamon Dulce Energy+Coffee


A while back I reviewed that Vanilla blend of Starbucks’ Energy+Coffee DoubleShot line of drinks. The drink scored high with wonderful aroma and rich flavor, but got an unjustly low (I’ll explain that in the review) score in value, which ultimately lowered it’s score a little bit. I recently got my hands on the newest flavor of DoubleShot Energy+Coffee, Cinnamon Dulce, and it’s delicious.

Straight from the can:

Your extra shot, Latin style. Starbucks DoubleShot Energy+Coffee Cinnamon Dulce. A mighty brew inspired by traditional Latino beverages. A bit of coffee, vanilla, cinnamon and spice, supercharged with B vitamins, guaran and ginseng to keep you going. Are you ready for more?

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Retro-Review: Frogger (Arcade)

frogger arcade originalOverview:

Frogger was one of the biggest names in the gaming industry back in the day, and it still is to some extent. The simple concept of guiding a busy little froggy from point A to point B without being squished, getting eaten, or drowning in a river was one that proved to be rather addictive and claimed more than it’s fair share of quarters. That was when arcades were still the cool place to hang out, back before LAN parties, the internet, and socially inept fat kids with acne and gland disorders ruled the gaming landscape. Well, those fat kids existed, but not internet.

Anyway, I thought it might be fun to take a look way back at one of the biggest names in the arcade industry and one that held influence for years after the first quarter was dropped into it’s metallic guts. Enjoy!

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Check out our Twitter Feed

twitter_graphicHey guys, check out our new Twitter feed either by clicking here or by clicking the button on the left sidebar underneath the archives. There’s also a button down there to favorite us on Technorati, if you’re into that sort of stuff. Anyway, the feed is, of course, bare right now since we just put it up, but follow us anyway so you can always see what we’re doing, you little creepers.

Review: Rip It Citrus X


A short while ago I reviewed a product called Rip It, an impressive 99 cent energy supplement which excelled in all criteria and walked away scoring a respectable 8.25/10. Today I’m reviewing Rip It Citrus X, an orange flavored variation of the original. Does Citrus X impress as much as the original, or is it simply a waste of a buck?

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