Review: Nintendo DSi


When Nintendo released the original DS, they got a lot of flak for being such an ugly, fat little thing. They eventually released the DS Lite, which was exactly what the original DS (the DS Phat) should have been to begin with. It was sleek, sexy, and had beautifully high quality screens. Still, though, there were criticisms about the lack of gadgetry of the system. Introducing the Nintendo DSi, the third generation of dual screen gaming. It may not be the revolutionary system the GameBoy was, and I still wouldn’t call it a gadget, but it’s finally a step in the high tech direction.

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PackRat Paragraphs: ROB the Robot

robtherobot1Don’t know who ROB is? Don’t worry, you’re not the only one.

ROB the Robot was a peripheral that released alongside the Nintendo Entertainment System in America because NOA (Nintendo of America) feared that citizens of the United States wouldn’t buy a game console, but would love to buy toys. Therefore they created this peripheral to pack-in with a deluxe version of the system. It could only be used with a few games, the one that most people know of is called Gyromite, a so-so stack-the-pieces-just-right game.

While 100% complete packages of ROB (with Gyromite and all the knick knacks) goes for about $350-$400 on ebay, I only have ROB himself. But even in his incomplete state he can sell for around 150 big ones, easy. I’d say the 2 bucks I spent on this little guy was quite a smart investment, wouldn’t you?

Weekly Recap for April 6th – 11th

Hey guys, Happy Easter! Here is a list of last week’s posts as well as links back so you can read up on anything you may have missed. Enjoy!

There you go guys. There’s plenty of posts to keep anyone from getting bored while being forced to spend time with their great uncle Joe on Easter. As always, keep reading Everyview!

Review: Colgate Wisps


Bad breath happens to everyone. It can come from a can of coffee, a cigarette, or a meal composed entirely of onions, garlic and milk. Unfortunately for most people, the stinkiest, most foul occurrences of bad breath happen away from the sanctity of your toothbrush. And how are you going to approach the popular kids at school or ask your boss for a well-earned bonus when your breath smells like the sweat of a chinese child laborer?

That’s why the engineers at Colgate whipped up their newest product, the Wisp. These little breath savers are miniature, portable tooth brushes implanted with a blue flavor bead full of ultra powerful minty liquid that is sure to leave your breath smelling super clean as well as a tooth pick on the other end to reach in between the gums and grab that parsley or popcorn kernel right out of its little hiding place.

At least that’s what they are supposed to do. But do they really work?

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New Poll: Are You Getting a DSi?

Go check out the new poll on the right sidebar. The question this time is “Are You Getting a DSi?” The results will be used to gauge how many of you guys will be interested in reading some DSi-centric content. And for those of you who are worried the DSi will take over this site like it has my life, don’t be. I just need to know what priority we should assign our reviews and articles.

Thanks guys! And as always, keep reading Everyview!

I Got a DSi!!

Thanks to good friend, room mate, and fellow Everyviewer Patricker, I am now the proud owner of a Nintendo DSi, the hottest new handheld gaming system on the market. Well, I will be the official owner once I pay him back. If that ever happens.


Anyway, this means a few articles and reviews are on their way. First thing I’m planning is a review for the system itself followed by various reviews for select games from my backlog of DS titles as well as a “The Top Five” which will list what I believe are the 5 best games for the Nintendo DS. I’ve also got plans to review the new DSi Ware games and the DSi Internet Browser. I’ll also do some image quality comparisons between my DSi, BlackBerry Curve, and Sony CyberShot (10.1 megapixels) to see just how good (or bad) the picture quality really is. To round things off I’ll probably jump on the bandwagon and post one of those really popular “Is it worth it?” articles that various sites are doing, but I’ll hopefully make my stance on that clear in the system’s review.

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Review: “Destrucion’s End” by Death Partizan


Ahh, Hoosier metal. There tend to be two kinds of metal that lurks in the corners and cracks of Terre Haute. The first is the thoroughly pathetic kind. Bands composed of 14 year old kids with a passion for Atreyu, kids that smoke their parents’ cigarettes and swipe their grandma’s Nitroglycerin because they think all pills are cool. And their music sucks, too.

The second kind is legit. These bands take inspiration from multiple sources, combine the best aspects of all, and make you want to punch your parents, eat their cigarettes, poison your grandma, steal her Nitro, and sell it to the pathetic metal posers for money to buy razor blades to put inside pies a good Christian family donated to the old people’s home.

Yeah, Death Partizan is legit.

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PackRat Paragraphs: Tekken: The Motion Picture (Factory Sealed VHS)

tekkenthemotionpictureEveryone with even a passing knowledge of fighting games knows Tekken. It has been one of the best fighting game franchises since the original PlayStation. But did you know that there was also an animated motion picture based off of the games?

Probably not. It was released in 1997 to drab reviews and pathetic sales and shortly after released on DVD, but that format also failed to garner decent sales due to the fact that the movie supposedly blows. I’ve never seen it and will never watch this copy, but if I ever find a DVD in a yard sale anywhere I’ll be sure to watch it and let you guys know how bad it really is.

I’ve found open copies going for as high as about 20 bucks on ebay, and factory sealed items are always worth more. I figure it’s worth about 40 bucks to a casual collector, which is a good chunk of profit over the $5.99 I spent on it.

Review: MadWorld (Wii)


System: Wii Exclusive
Developer: Platinum Games
Publisher: Sega
Genre: Action


Sega is really doing big things with Nintendo’s little white box. Though the two were, at one time, mortal enemies, the house that Sonic built is quickly becoming one of the biggest third-party supporters behind Nintendo’s system. The House of the Dead: Overkill treated Wii gamers to a zombie-blasting bloodbath. The upcoming title The Conduit is a game everyone is talking about. And here we are with MadWorld, one of the most stylish, violent, funny, and just pure bad ass games of this generation on any system.

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Retro Review: Valomilk Candy Cups


Have you ever noticed some of the best things around start out as accidents? Potato chips, beer, Popsicles and myself are some of the more notable ones, but now we have another one to add to the list of accidents that resulted in something amazing. Valomilk Candy Cups, invented in 1931, were a total mistake. It took the genius and innovative mind of Henry Sifers to put a ruined batch of marshmallow to work and make a totally delicious candy treat that were enjoyed for half a century before, sadly, being shut down and yanked away from candy lovers throughout the country.

But thankfully the Sifers family reacquired the original equipment used to manufacture the delicious candies that left a trail on everyone’s face and began production again. Even in today’s high tech world Valomilk is made completely by hand which produces a delicious candy that focuses on quality over quantity. A real treat.

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