John Grisham’s “The Innocent Man” Review


John Grisham’s “The Innocent Man” tells the disturbing true story of gritty a small-town murder that ruins the lives of more than just the young girl who was killed. Witness the gripping reality of the flaws of our nation’s legal system and watch as a once healthy and popular man slips into hysteria as he lives out his life in prison for a crime he did not commit.

“The Innocent Man” tells a story of broken dreams, shattered lives, drug and alcohol addiction, gritty murder, and how pathetic our court system can be and how meaningless human lives are in the eyes of our peers. Innocent until proven guilty? That statement will be nothing more than the corpse of something you once believed after reading this shocking true story.

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PackRat Paragraphs: Red Nintendo DS w/Mario Kart DS

dsmariokartI’m not sure how many of you remember, but back before downloadable games and cameras made their way into Nintendo’s handheld systems, there was the original Phat. It was the ugliest, fattest, bulkiest system since the Sega Game Gear, but Nintendo tried their hardest to raise its physical appeal by releasing it in a myriad of colors.

This red Nintendo DS was released as a limited edition system with Mario Kart DS packed right in back in November of 2005. Selling one right now wouldn’t turn a profit, but since it’s a limited edition handheld system that has already been discontinued, I assume it will be worth quite a decent amount of cash in a couple of years. It will definitely take some time, but I am pretty sure it will eventually be more than a worthwhile investment.

We Got Our Domain Name!

Hey guys, just wanted to let you all know that we finally bought our domain name! is secured and ownership will be transferred to us in about 12 hours. After that it’s only a matter of days before you’ll be visiting our site without that pesky .wordpress subdomain to get in your way.

Along with that update, the Review Round-Up page will be finished tonight before I engage in slumber, I’m making that a promise. I don’t care how boring it is to make, it’ll be up and running for you guys to explore.

And one final note, we have two new contributors on their way in so keep an eye out for the Everyview Team to update and grow a little bit more.

Thanks a lot to you guys, the readers, for making this possible. Until next time, keep reading Everyview!


The domain thing worked out a lot quicker than I thought it would. Welcome to! Plus, the Everyview Round-Up is now finished! Goodnight.

We’re Doing Some Site Construction

Some of you may have noticed the new “Review Round-Up” page at the top. It’s not finished yet, as I’m sure you’ve likely noticed. However, it will be done soon but has, for now, slowed posting to a halt. When it’s done it will be a complete list of every review ever done by Everyview with links back and all that jazz. It will also take the place of the “Request Reviews” page, as readers are welcome to search through the categories on “Review Round-Up” and submit a request if they can’t find what they are looking for.

Anyway, hopefully this will be done by tomorrow so we can get back to bringing you more great reviews. Why don’t you go ahead and check out the page now and browse our small selection of Book Reviews or gawk at our massive and still growing list of Energy Drink Reviews. Until next time, keep reading Everyview!

Art Style: AQUIA Review (DSiWare)


Developer: Nintendo
Players: 1
Genre: Puzzle
Cost: 500 Nintendo Points

Nintendo’s Art Style series has long been a competent source for great, addictive puzzling through the company’s downloadable services. Starting off as WiiWare exclusives, games like Cubello and Rotohex proved to be refreshing, fun, and innovative puzzlers. AQUIA marks the series’ debut in the DSiWare lineup, and for only 500 points, it’s a total bargain! But does it bring the trademark innovation Art Style games have shown off in the past? You bet it does.

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(Review) Venom Energy: Death Adder


Since its introduction to the market, Venom Energy Drink has grown into a respectable and worthy contender in the race for energy drink supremacy. They very quickly went from being a 3rd party underdog to heavy hitter and, building on the success of the original and lo-carb flavors is the new Death Adder, a sparkling punch flavored energy drink.

Straight from the can:

When you want piercing energy and instinctively quick reflexes, you need the cold-blooded Venom of the Death Adder, delivered in a fruit punch strike.

The Venom Potency Pack has a powerful does of taurine, glucuronolactone, L-carnitine and guarana, giving it piercing energy that strikes back.

Try saying glucuronolactone out loud with out sounding like an idiot.

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Weekly Recap for April 13th – 18th

Last week was pretty big for us here at Everyview. Here’s a list of our articles with links back so you can check them out!

There you go guys. A real big thanks to Kevin Cassidy from GoNintendo for featuring the DSi Camera Comparison article. That netted us like 10x more traffic than we usually get, so we were pretty excited. Anyway, we’ll be back tomorrow with some new energy drink review, and we’ll be continuing our DSi-centric articles (The Top 5: DS Games Everyone Should Play, some Nintendo DS game reviews), as well as a couple of things we haven’t planned yet, I’m sure. Until then, keep reading Everyview!

Nintendo DSi Camera Comparison

Ok, so we all know the DSi‘s camera is bad and that the miserable 0.3 megapixels is extremely, unbelievably low by even the lowest standards of today’s technology, but just how bad is it? It’s kind of hard to just imagine how much better your pictures would look on something better, like a 10.1 MP Sony CyberShot DSC-T300.

That’s where I come in. I took a little walk with both my DSi and my trusty CyberShot (which also has a touch screen) to take a series of pictures from a distance, close up, and one special shot which serves as the ultimate test. You may actually be surprised at the quality of some of the pictures the DSi took. I know I was.


All pictures are unedited aside from shrinking the CyberShot pictures from over 3,000 pixels to 640. DSi shots are on the left, CyberShot photos are on the right. Click ‘Read More’ to see the rest. All images can be enlarged by clicking, which I recommend doing. Continue reading

Resident Evil 5 Review (Xbox 360)


Xbox360_owp_NA3rdParty_CSCapcom’s long running Resident Evil series has been in my top three favorite gaming franchises for a long time, ranking right up there with Zelda and Mario. With an outstanding history of high-quality games (with the exception of a few titles), it’s easy to see why. Not to mention zombies.

Resident Evil 5 quickly became my most anticipated game for 2008. Then 2009. It takes after its revolutionary predecessor, the critically acclaimed Resident Evil 4, and ditches the traditional slow-moving gameplay, tank-like controls, and super restricted ammo counts in favor of fast-paced action more akin to recent zombie movies. Oh, speaking of zombies, it also gets rid of those.

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Review: Doritos Late Night Tacos at Midnight


You know how usually when you grab a bag of Taco flavored chips, they don’t really taste like tacos? Instead they possess a flavor that has been established as the official artificial taco flavor for potato-based snacks? Well those days are over, my friends, and it’s all thanks to Doritos.

The new Late Night Tacos at Midnight flavored Doritos are pure evolution in the most evolutionary manner possible. No longer must we settle for tortilla chips that claim to be the flavor of authentic Mexican cuisine. No longer must we take the lies fed to us in the form of salt and artificial seasoning on top of a corn chip. We now have something to believe in, the future of all snacking. Ladies and gentlemen, this is evolution in the works.

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