What do YOU Want to Read in Our Interview with TheSpeedGamers?

We here at Everyview like pleasing our readers the best we can, though we do an admittedly poor job of it. That’s why I’m coming to YOU, the Everyview reader, to tell me exactly what YOU want to be asked in our upcoming Interview with TheSpeedGamers.

Who do you want me to talk to? What do you want me to ask? Anything you can think of. We’ve only got until around Tuesday the 12th to get something together, so hurry up and get your requests posted in the comments section below!

“Resident Evil: Zero Hour” by S.D. Perry (Book Review)


As far as I’m concerned, the Resident Evil series has one of the most engaging stories of any gaming franchise around. The characters and settings are always growing and evolving into something bigger and better, the plot is gripping and enthralling. Oh, and there are zombies. Once you enter the Resident Evil universe you will never want to leave, all thanks to the beloved and believable cast of characters and interesting plot. But a video game can only tell a story in a certain level of depth and detail.

resident-evil-zero-hour-bookEnter the Resident Evil novels published by Pocket Star Books and written by S.D. Perry, best known for her work on the Star Trek novels. There are six volumes in all, ranging from 0 – 5 and chronicling the story from Resident Evil Zero all the way through Code: Veronica far more in-depth than the games would ever allow. Resident Evil: Zero Hour, the topic of this review, is the novelization of, you guessed it, Resident Evil Zero, the series prequel which tells the story of the first foray into the Arklay Mountains by the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team. Continue reading

Coming Soon: An exclusive interview with TheSpeedGamers

So TheSpeedGamers, a group of elite gamers who broadcast video game marathons to raise money for several charities, were kind enough to accept my request for an exclusive interview to be published right here on Everyview. This will be a first in a series of Everyview Interviews. I can’t say for sure when this will go live, but it’ll probably be before their May 15th 72 hour Mother Marathon to benefit Susan G. Komen.

Keep an eye out for some more specific updates including a post asking what you want to see in the interview.

Weekly Recap for April 27th – May 2nd

Here’s a list of last weeks posts with links back in case you missed anything. Enjoy!

Wow, talk about an expansion! Everything you see in front of you is all-new and all-improved. Except for that damn banner, though it is better than the old one. We’re planning a contest to fix it so don’t worry Anyway, with such a drastic change you’re probably thinking it’s time for us to take a break, right? Wrong!

Now that we’ve got this awesome new layout and this awesome new domain name hosted by this awesome service it’s time for us to finally get back to work bringing you all the awesome reviews you know and love. Hopefully this week’s recap will hold you over, but we’ve got plenty on the plate for next week. Until next time, keep reading Everyview!

Register for an Everyview Account!

Hey boys and girls, I’m just stopping by to let everyone know that you can now register for an Everyview account! Signing up is simple and free! Non-members can still leave comments where ever they want, but will not be eligible for contests or using the Everyview Forums (coming soon, I hope).

To register, use the Log-in/Register area at the top of the right sidebar. You will then be taken to a registration page which asks for a username and email address. Your temporary password will be emailed to whichever address you provided and will most likely be found in the spam folder.

And as always, keep reading Everyview!

Excuse the Mess!

Hey guys, welcome to what will eventually be the new Everyview.com. Well, I guess it already is, but we are working out a TON of bugs and whatnot. We are even going to have to go back and completely redo the Everyview RoundUp, which took me 3 days to do the first time.

But other than that I think you’re going to like it here, it’s a lot better than the old site and we’ve managed to carry over 90% of the posts. And if you don’t like it yet, give it time. I’m sure it’ll grow on you. 😉

Review: Ecstacy Tobacco-Free Cigarettes (Reds)


Really? Tobacco free cigarettes? How pointless, right? Wrong. I’ll tell you what is pointless. Pointless is those energy cigarettes I reviewed a while back that make you want to run but you can’t because you’re busy hacking up your lungs. I absolutely hate those stupid things. Anyway, it’s review time!

Continue reading

Review: Verve! Energy Supplement


Before we get started, let’s make one thing clear. There is an absolutely huge difference between energy drinks and energy supplements. Energy drinks are made to be delicious beverages with loads of sugar and artificial sweeteners to tickle your taste buds whereas energy supplements are meant to supply you with energy without killing your kidneys in the process.

vemma-vere-energy-drinkVerve supplement is from the same people that created the ultra-powerful, award winning antioxidant juice known as Vemma, and contains the same beneficial ingredients plus a few extras to give you an energetic boost. Verve sponsors several major league sport teams and is highly enjoyed and recommended by athletes all over America.

Continue reading

Weekly Recap for April 20th – 25th

This was easily one of the most exciting weeks we’ve ever had here at Everyview. We are proud to announce that we are now Everyview.com!!! That’s right, loyal readers, we finally acquired our $400 domain name, so hopefully this will help you remember who we are and earn us some higher Google visibility and increase traffic so we can take over the review-blog world! The next step is acquiring competent hosting but we are now completely broke, so we’ll let you know when we are closer to being a real website. Anyway, here’s a list of last week’s posts with links back in case you missed anything. Enjoy!

There you go guys, have a great Sunday! And as always, keep reading Everyview! DOT COM!!!!