[Game News] High Voltage Bringing Left 4 Dead-Inspired Online Co-op Shooter to the Wii


And I, for one, can’t wait.

The game is called The Grinder and it looks to set the bar for online multiplayer on Nintendo’s Wii. Though I guess it would be unfair to expect anything less from High Voltage Software, developers behind The Conduit, which is likely the most highly anticipated Wii game of 2009, and rightfully so. High Voltage has built an amazing engine and is finally starting to use it to patch up some of the wholes in the system’s library. With gams like The Conduit, Gladiator A.D. and now The Grinder, High Voltage has quickly become the hardcore Wii gamer’s best friend.

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[Food Review] Salsa Fresca Rice Works Crisps

riceworkssalsafrescaAlright, so by appearance I may be just your regular everyday mildly overweight greasy college student who, by habit, munches on nothing other than slippery burgers, tacos pumped full of over-salted beef and cheese-like sauce, and fries that drip grease and fat like an orphan sheds tears.

But that’s not entirely true, I also enjoy a good slice of shiny, well-lubricated pizza. Continue reading

BlogFastFood.com is the Devil

I have seen the face of the Devil and it’s a pasty white, bald, fat dude who blatantly rips off other sites and struggles to come up with an original thought.  This post is just a test to prove that this site automatically posts anything I post.  Don’t visit BlogFastFood.com.

Note:  No offense to any other pasty white, bald, fat dudes out there.  In time, I will be one of you. Continue reading

[Tech News] I Guess Nintendo Isn’t Really Making a Phone Anytime Soon

A long while back some of you readers who are, like myself, hardcore Nintendo geeks, might remember a leaked patent that pointed to a possibility of a Nintendo-made cell phone. When that was released, fans went insane thinking about the possibilities that could become reality with introduction of a “Nintendphone” to the market. Since that day Nintendo has hinted at the possibility of a phone being in the works, saying that they’d be all over it if they could find a way to provide service without complicated monthly fees.

Until now. Continue reading

[Game News] Metroid Prime: Trilogy – All 3 Prime Games, One Wii Disc

Nintendo has recently announced their plans to bring all 3 entries of the critically acclaimed Metroid Prime series to the Wii on a single disc with the title of Metroid Prime: Trilogy.

Trilogy will feature completely revamped versions of Metroid Prime 1 & 2 which include slightly updated visuals and the obvious inclusion of motion controls, likely the exact same scheme we saw with Metroid Prime 3. Metroid Prime 3 will be released just as it was the first time around on the Wii in August of 2007. Continue reading

[Tech News] Nintendo Deals a Crushing Blow to Handheld Pirates

A short while ago we reported on a small piracy device called the Supercard DS(onei) that seemed to put piracy on the winning side of the war for a good long while. Nintendo, however, found a way to combat the thieves by teaming up with both eBay and Amazon to cease all sales of the Supercard, R4, AceKard or any flashcart used to pirate handheld games. Continue reading

The Everyview Update – 05/24/09

Here’s something new I’m going to try. I got some useful site feedback from a regular reader reporting that he opted out of reading on Sundays because he didn’t like the Weekly Recaps. His reasoning was that people will read what they want and that we could fit in more posts if we allowed articles to go up on Sunday as well. More posts means more entertainment. More entertainment means more traffic. We love traffic.

So to prove that we actually do care what our readers think about our site, allow me to introduce the Everyview Update. Taking the place of the Weekly Recap, the Everyview Update will do everything the Recap did and much more.


Oh, and many of you have probably noticed that this post is being published on Monday and not Sunday even though the date in the title points to a Sunday publication. This was meant to be published on Sunday, not Monday, but it turns out I have bronchitis and am very tired and feel like boogers and puke, so I slept instead. Future installments will come on Sundays.

Our Recap

From our Blog Roll

  • GrubGrade gives us a review of the tantalizing Arby’s Roast Turkey Ranch & Bacon Market Fresh Sandwich (what a mouthful!)
  • SuperPhillip shows us that Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat is still a great game, even without that Bongo Controller
  • The Impulsive Buy reviewed the Morningstar Farms Hickory BBQ Riblets, showing us how good some vegetarian food is, and why all vegetarians are always broke
  • The Tancave reads and reviews Star Trek Voyager: Full Circle, a novel that through the entire series onto his must-have list
  • We-Rate-Stuff takes a look at the short-lived but fondly remember Summer Heights High, obscure and underrated HBO TV series
  • World 1-1 is taking an indefinite break from posting. Indefinite doesn’t mean permenant, it just means until further notice. I’m sure he’ll be back and better than ever in no time.

Special thanks

To The Impulsive Buy for featuring our Amp Energy: 3 Wide review in their WEEK IN REVIEWS and helping boost our traffic!

[Energy Drink News] Red Bull Cola Banned in Germany for Containing Cocaine

Everyone knows it’s true that Coca-Cola used to contain traces of cocaine as one of the primary ingredients. But that was way back in 1885, way before anyone knew just how powerful of a narcotic cocaine really was. Of course the Coke Company no longer allows anything short of 100% de-cocainized coca leaf extract, the plant from which the drug is derived, to be used as an ingredient in their immensely popular soft drink. Continue reading

“Blank Check” VS “First Kid” The Results Are In!

Hey there everyone, today marks the 7th day of our premiere Master Debate’s Launch which means it’s time to close the polls and announce the winner! We had lots of votes and tons of support, so thanks to everyone who voted!

The face off was between Everyview Editor Clayton Cunningham and up-and-coming Contributor Andrew Majors. The debate was an intense and bloodthirsty battle between two “classic” live-action Disney films from the early t0 mid 1990’s, “First Kid” and “Blank Check” a battle worthy of gladiatorial status and recognition. Continue reading

Game News: Barack Obama, Sarah Palin Teamed Up to Star in We Love Golf?

A big thanks to SuperPhillip Central for noticing this.

Check out the back of the box for We Love Golf, a Wii exclusive from July 0f 2008.

welovegolf-barack-obamaNotice the character on the far left looks almost exactly like President Barack Obama, behind him is a female character that bares an uncanny resemblance to Sarah Palin, and the example Mii in the bubble at the bottom appears to be modeled after the political comedian Steven Colbert. He is America, after all, and so can you.

These resemblances are most likely mere coincidence, but strange and uncanny none-the-less. I still can’t get over how much that guy looks like President Obama.

If you are interested in learning more about We Love Golf, check out SuperPhillip’s review here.

Check out SuperPhillip’s original post here.